Hung Gar (Hung Jia Quan, Hung Gar) - One of the most famous, and according to many, strong styles of Chinese kung fu (shu). According to some sources, the style was based on the unification of the tiger and crane style of the southern branch. What gave a very, very good result in combat use. In this world, such personalities as Won Fei Hong (Juan Feihun) were impressed. THE MAGNIFICENT (Great) BUTTON LAM SAI WING (LAM SAI WING)
Some people believe that kung fu is a "puppet, sham" martial art ... Well, there is some sense in this, for some people have degraded this art of fighting without rules to the level of demonstrative, theatrical and recreational use. In this, of course, there is nothing to be wrong. But here is a student practicing such a practice must understand the real danger of deciding to enter into a real duel using this technique ...
However, what was said does not apply to the style of Hung Gar and in particular the shape of "Steel Wire" or "Steel Wire", "Steel Thread" which is presented in this video. They say a true master who has mastered this Tao fully, becomes flexible as a wire and sturdy as steel ... With the right practice, one immediately feels the strengthening of the body and the enhancement of combat power. In the form there is both tension and relaxation, control of breathing, control of the energy of Qi (both accumulation and ejection of impact force)! About the personalities who created this style, films such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li were often made. Advertising -
Some people believe that kung fu is a "puppet, sham" martial art ... Well, there is some sense in this, for some people have degraded this art of fighting without rules to the level of demonstrative, theatrical and recreational use. In this, of course, there is nothing to be wrong. But here is a student practicing such a practice must understand the real danger of deciding to enter into a real duel using this technique ...
However, what was said does not apply to the style of Hung Gar and in particular the shape of "Steel Wire" or "Steel Wire", "Steel Thread" which is presented in this video. They say a true master who has mastered this Tao fully, becomes flexible as a wire and sturdy as steel ... With the right practice, one immediately feels the strengthening of the body and the enhancement of combat power. In the form there is both tension and relaxation, control of breathing, control of the energy of Qi (both accumulation and ejection of impact force)! About the personalities who created this style, films such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li were often made. Advertising -