UK Elections 2017: Will Iron May come out victorious over a surging Comrade Corbyn? - TomoNews

  • 7 years ago
LONDON — With the U.K. elections all set to go on Thursday, what should have been game, set and match for Theresa May and the Tories is now suddenly a bit of a race.

Comrade Corbyn may have the best beard game in town, but he’s still a bit of a long shot. On the issue of security, Britain’s Bernie Bro won’t go nuclear, and that could hurt him.

But what Corbyn does have going for him is May’s own numptyness. The Tories shot themselves in the foot when they proposed a dementia tax, even more when they axed it.

Iron May bit into her own lead some more when she ditched support for a ban on the ivory trade. And then there was that whole fox-hunting nonsense, plus her plans to control the internet.

With the latest attacks, both candidates are now talking tough on terror. Problem is, Corbyn also votes down terror laws a lot and May slashed the Bobbies’ bangers and mash.

May still enjoys a lead — although it’s shrinking, and we all know that the polls are never wrong, so we might as well call it. Right?


