• il y a 8 ans
Young Dulha Singh likes to play and has a cheeky smile just like any other eight-year-old boy. However, he has something that sets him apart—a furry tail.

When he was born, he had a patch of hair on his lower back. With time, it grew into a tail. His family says cutting it would be bad luck. When his mother decided to cut it, she died before she could.

Therefore, they have let it grow and in the process, Dulha has become a god—at least in the eyes of the local villagers in Amritsar, Punjab in India. They believe he's an incarnation of Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god.

Meet 8-year-old boy who has a long furry tail is worshipped as a god

Meet 8-year-old boy who has a long furry tail is worshipped as a god
Meet 8-year-old boy who has a long furry tail is worshipped as a god
His family says cutting it would bring bad luck. When his mother decided to cut it, she died before she could

Dulha lives with his uncle Sahib Singh and his aunt. Villagers from far and wide come to worship him and touch his tail to receive blessings. His aunt said: “People come to see him everyday. They believe he is like Hanuman Ji."

Dulha doesn't seem to mind the tail, which he says is a gift from God. He also doesn't mind the attention he gets, although he doesn't understand why people seek blessings from him.

Interestingly, he is apparently good at climbing trees, just like monkeys. This has only served to strengthen locals' belief in his supposed supernatural powers.

Meet 8-year-old boy who has a long furry tail is worshipped as a god

Source : woman.hudo
