Cheapskate tourists sneak into zoo, nearly end up as tiger feed

  • 7 years ago
CHANGSHA, CHINA — Three tourists almost landed in the tiger enclosure when they snuck into a zoo in southern China — because they were trying to save the equivalent of US$6 each on entry fees.

CCTV footage captured the morons last Saturday, as they scaled the fence at a drive-thru wild animal park in Changsha, Hunan province, the Shanghaiist reported.

The three cheapskates must not have realized they were dicing with death, because if they’d climbed the next fence, they’d either have been electrocuted, or ended up as lunch for the zoo’s seven Bengal tigers.

Most visitors to the park opt for the conventional method of entry, by paying for a 42 yuan (US$6.18) ticket on a sightseeing bus.

When the bus comes through, the tigers are let out to feed — right into the area of the park the three amigos snuck into.

Luckily for the thick-headed trio, they were spotted by security guards, who grabbed them and handed them over to the cops.
