
  • 7 years ago
Mizzima, derived from the Pali word for middle or moderate and chosen for its inference of an unbiased and independent media, was established in 1998 in New Delhi, India. Since its founding the aim of Mizzima has been to provide high quality news relating to Myanmar and contributing toward freedom of expression and the free flow of information in the public interest.
The International Press Institute recognized the importance and professionalism of Mizzima's contribution to reporting on Myanmar in 2007, when it honored Mizzima with its Free Media Pioneer award.
Until recently, Mizzima operated as an exile-based media organization, with a liaison office in Chiang Mai, Thailand, complimenting the organization's headquarters in India.
In March 2012, Mizzima Media Co. Ltd. became the first Myanmar 'exile media' group to register as a domestic company.
It produces a daily Mizzima newspaper in Myanmar language, a weekly Mizzima business magazine (www.mzineplus.com), weekly television business and sports programs -- aired by Myanma Radio & Television (MRTV) -- and websites in both Myanmar (www.mizzimaburmese.com) and English (www.mizzima.com). Additionally, Mizzima media products are available on various digital platforms such as Android and iPhones.


