Hey guys! Heres another detergent slime test!!! You guys requested me to do another slime detergent test and there it is! I hope this helps, I know not a lot of .
Hey guys! Today I tested a bunch of different detergent from the store to try and see if I could use them as slime activators! A lot of them worked and a lot of them .
Hey guys! I made a part two to testing different glues before a lot of you asked for it! I wanted test some glues out to see if they would make slime and most of .
Hey guys! Today I tested a bunch of different detergent from the store to try and see if I could use them as slime activators! A lot of them worked and a lot of them .
Hey guys! I made a part two to testing different glues before a lot of you asked for it! I wanted test some glues out to see if they would make slime and most of .