Google has launched Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones with pre-bookings in India starting as early as October 13. The search giant has ditched the Nexus branding in favour of the Pixel brand name, which brings synergy between all Google hardware. With Pixel phones, Google is officially into Pixel branded notebook, tablets and smartphones.
Google Pixel is unique in many ways. The smartphone brings new design language that has been controlled by Google and also invokes a new sense of hardware responsibility for the company. With Pixel, Google is leading the Android brigade in fight against Apple’s recently launched iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
Software management team leader Brian Rakowski told attendees that the phone was designed to be “simple and smart.” He demonstrated its improved voice command by planning a night out with his wife, Lisa, on it, with the Assistant transcribing a set of texts and requests for fitting in dinner and a show.
The Pixel will come with Android 7.1 OS, Bluetooth 4.2, 4GB RAM, and preloaded Google Assistant. Google also says that its 12.3 megapixel camera is the “best in class” mobile camera for a smartphone till date, slightly exceeding its earlier entries and also the iPhone 6 and 7.
In India, pre-sales will begin October 13 through Flipkart, Reliance Digital, and Chroma. It will also be available through the Google Store and Project Fi.
It will be sold in three colors: Quite Black, Really Blue, and Very Silver.
Special feature is that Pixel will also support Google’s new mobile virtual reality experience, Daydream VR, selling in November for $79. Partnered content includes properties from J. K. Rowling, the New York Times Company, and CCP Games.
Google advertises it will be a “stellar place for games” and also is compatible with Hulu, YouTube, Netflix, and Google Play content. Although the demos looked promising, further consumer feedback will tell if the mobile VR experience can match up with desktop quality.
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Google Pixel is unique in many ways. The smartphone brings new design language that has been controlled by Google and also invokes a new sense of hardware responsibility for the company. With Pixel, Google is leading the Android brigade in fight against Apple’s recently launched iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
Software management team leader Brian Rakowski told attendees that the phone was designed to be “simple and smart.” He demonstrated its improved voice command by planning a night out with his wife, Lisa, on it, with the Assistant transcribing a set of texts and requests for fitting in dinner and a show.
The Pixel will come with Android 7.1 OS, Bluetooth 4.2, 4GB RAM, and preloaded Google Assistant. Google also says that its 12.3 megapixel camera is the “best in class” mobile camera for a smartphone till date, slightly exceeding its earlier entries and also the iPhone 6 and 7.
In India, pre-sales will begin October 13 through Flipkart, Reliance Digital, and Chroma. It will also be available through the Google Store and Project Fi.
It will be sold in three colors: Quite Black, Really Blue, and Very Silver.
Special feature is that Pixel will also support Google’s new mobile virtual reality experience, Daydream VR, selling in November for $79. Partnered content includes properties from J. K. Rowling, the New York Times Company, and CCP Games.
Google advertises it will be a “stellar place for games” and also is compatible with Hulu, YouTube, Netflix, and Google Play content. Although the demos looked promising, further consumer feedback will tell if the mobile VR experience can match up with desktop quality.
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