Masala Republic is a 2014 Indian Malayalam political satire film directed by Visakh G. S. in his directional debut. It stars an ensemble cast consisting of Indrajith, Aparna Nair, Sunny Wayne, P. Balachandran, Mamukkoya, Vinayakan, Vinay Forrt, Mala Aravindan, and Captain Raju. The story and dialogues of the film is by the director himself. While the screenplay was co-written by Arungeorge K. David. The film is produced by T. Sukumar under the banner of Chemmeen Cinema. The music is composed by Jassie Gift while the background scores are by John P. Varkey. Suresh Rajan is behind the camera while Manoj Kannoth did the editing works of the film and songs were choreographed by Imithiyas Aboobacker. As of now, the film is scheduled to be released in April 2014