~Creiddylad~Goddess Of The Flowers~Lisa Thiel~Invocation~

  • 7 years ago
Creiddylad is the beautiful Celtic Fairy Goddess of Spring & Summer flowers whose power births new life. She reminds us that when we embrace self-love and balance, we grow into a state of abundance. In other traditions, she is also called by Cordelia and the May Queen.
Creiddylad in Celtic mythology is described as the majestic and forever fruitful maiden. The Fairy Goddess promised her hand in marriage to Gwythr, a handsome and powerful Welsh warrior, but before the marriage was consummated she was abducted by Gwyn, Lord of the Underworld. Gwythr built an army of men to fight Gwyn and win back his Goddess.
King Arthur declared that neither man shall marry Creiddylad. Every year, at the turn of the seasons, marked by Calan Mai and Samhain, Gwythyr and Gwyn battle for Creiddylad’s hand.
This story is symbolic of the battle between Summer and Winter, and the balance between the light and shadow aspects of life. Every year, on Calan Mai (May 1st, equivalent to Beltane), life and light win the upper hand. Creiddylad roams the earth with her love Gwythr and watches over the Spring and Summer flowers opening in sweetness to receive kisses from the sun. On Samhain ( October 31st, equivalent to Halloween), the two battle again and, on this day, Gwyn is victorious. The dead emerge from the underworld to roam the earth while Creiddylad returns to the Lord of the Underworld and the earth’s vegetation lays to rest.