The soursop is a tree fruit native to the Caribbean, Central America, northern South America, and sub-Saharan Africa. It tastes like a combination of strawberry and pineapple, with a hint of creaminess and sour citrus. Soursop juice is not particularly difficult to make and offers a range of health benefits. High levels of vitamin C keep the urinary tract clean, and vast amounts of fiber improve digestive health. The fruit juice also contains a number of other nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, thiamin, copper, niacin, folate, iron, and riboflavin. Sourop also has broad spectrum antimicrobial properties, which is effective against both bacterial and fungal infections. It treats intestinal parasites and worms. It also reduces high blood pressure levels. Cancer often leads to a compromised immune system; soursop gives a healthy boost to the patient’s immune system and can possibly avoid fatal infections.