• 8 years ago
Kotian's Video Channel.

The Indian Star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a beautiful tortoise native to India, a small part of Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Thus, the Indian Star tortoise has three geographical variations: northern Indian Stars, southern Indian Stars, and Sri Lankan Stars. They all belong to the same species. However, the Burmese Star tortoise from Myanmar, formerly Burma, is a distinct species (Geochelone platynota).

Star tortoises were named for the attractive star like patterns on their shells. This pattern varies somewhat by the individual tortoise and its native location, especially among the Indian Star tortoises.

Star tortoises, especially the Indian Stars (Geochelone elegans), may not be the most "outgoing" tortoises as pets, but they are sweet tempered and charming. :O)

In the wild, Star tortoises are endangered due to loss of habitat and illegal collecting. In fact, the Burmese Star tortoise is one of the most endangered tortoises in the world! Support their conservation and never obtain wild caught specimens as pets. Always buy captive bred Star tortoises.


