Directed by Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones Creative direction & Masks by Bjork & James Merry VR creative and production by ANALOG Performance .\r
Directed by Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones Creative direction & Masks by Bjork & James Merry VR .\r
This is the official Björk channel on YouTube.\r
Directed by Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones Creative direction & Masks by Björk & James Merry VR .\r
Directed by Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones Creative direction & Masks by Bjork & James Merry VR .\r
This is the official Björk channel on YouTube.\r
Directed by Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones Creative direction & Masks by Björk & James Merry VR .\r