• 8 years ago
Battle of the Network Stars - 15 - December (1983) Hosts - Howard Cosell, Robert Conrad, Donna Mills ABC Team - William Shatner (captain), Shari Belafonte, .\r
Battle of the Network Stars - 13 - December (1982) Hosts - Howard Cosell, Debbie Allen ABC Team - William Shatner (captain), Stephen Collins, Helen Hunt, .\r
Battle of the Network Stars - 14 - May (1983) Hosts - Howard Cosell, Morgan Fairchild ABC Team - John James (captain), Scott Baio, Rachel Dennison, Lisa .\r
Battle of the Network Stars - 12 - May (1982) Hosts - Howard Cosell, Randi Oakes ABC Team - William Shatner (captain), Douglas Barr, Joan Collins, Lydia .\r


