Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo ova 1 japanese Audio w/subs english/Spanish 2000 Go Nagai.\r
compilation of all 4 episodes so you dont have to sift through videos enjoy an ova to the second thing that started the mecha franchise chapter 1: Attack! Neo .\r
this getter ova i hope you will like it i search in youtube and i didnt find the ova so i looked for it and i find it , enjoy .\r
For every one who wait so long , I now present to you the final ova from shin getter robo vs neo getter robo , watch it and enjoy it changeeee getterrrr.\r
compilation of all 4 episodes so you dont have to sift through videos enjoy an ova to the second thing that started the mecha franchise chapter 1: Attack! Neo .\r
this getter ova i hope you will like it i search in youtube and i didnt find the ova so i looked for it and i find it , enjoy .\r
For every one who wait so long , I now present to you the final ova from shin getter robo vs neo getter robo , watch it and enjoy it changeeee getterrrr.\r