• 8 years ago
Extravagant gifts can leave one feeling speechless and sure enough, Shari Sella and her family experienced a moment of wonder when handed an all expense paid Disney World vacation. Brought upon by her friends Jessica and Brandon Barr as a pre-birthday gift, they hand Shari, Dave and Olive each a package. Jessica managed to rally together over 6-thousand-dollars from friends, family and strangers who want to see Shari get the chance to take her daughter to Disney World.

In 2014, Shari was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer and only given 2 to 4 years to live. Now, she has defied all odds but will still need to undergo treatment for the rest of her life. Shari never thought she would live to see Olive at the happiest place on earth but now, thanks to the many donations through the YOUCARING campaign she gets that chance. Sella family, we at RightThisMinute wish you the very best memories, cherish them forever!


