$347,284 in a single month...

  • 7 years ago
I’m not sure if you’ve heard yet or not, but a few months ago my mentor, Misha Wilson, had a record month of $347,284.
What’s even crazier… He did it just four months after launching his new business.
But… why should that matter to you? Well… He breaks down EXACTLY how he did it in step by step detail in his new “IM Profit Formula” e-book that he released just a few days ago.
Everything from how he gets traffic, to how he converts that traffic into initial sales, than repeat buyers, and even high ticket buyers worth well over $10,000 for him and his business… You get it ALL.
Everything is broken down in extreme detail, so you can just model it and use it for yourself in order to create sales and profits on demand.
And the best news… you can grab it here now for only one simple payment of just $7.
Opportunities like these don’t come around often… click here to grab you copy now, and I’ll see you on the inside.