• 8 years ago
Extramarital Relationship:
Of, relating to, or being sexual
intercourse between a married
person and someone other than his
or her spouse is extramarital affair
Extramarital Relationship.

Top 10 countries having high rate of extramarital relationship.

10. Finland
Rate 36%
After 2010, the rate of illegal relations between the married people in Finland is increasing rapidly.
According to many, in Finland, illicit relationship is often seen as an experience.
Many times it is also given Social recognition.
According to survey, one out of five men have relationship with at least 10 women.
This rate of illicit relationship is higher among women.
9. United Kingdom
Rate 36%
The rate of illicit relationship is similar to Finland.
But they feel remorse for such kind of relationships.
Half of the people who confess these relationships suffer from remorse.
Many believe that the position would be higher if the royal family was involved in this survey.
8. Spain
Rate 39%
Traditionally there is more Catholic influence in Spain.
So socially illegal relations are seen in a bad way.
But divorce rate is 60 percent here.
This rate of illegal relations may be higher due to another relation prior to separation.
7. Belgium
Rate 40%
Belgium has close relations with France.
There are similarities in human thought.
The popularity of the online dating site is very popular among married couples in Belgium.
10 percent population of the country is related to the illegal relation.
6. Norway
Rate 41%
With Norway's climate change, the rate of illegal relationships changes.
In the summer, the number of subscribers increased by 78% on many websites for online illegal ties.
But in the winter the Norwegian preferred to stay in their own home rather than illegal relations.
5. France
Rate 43%
In many countries of the world, unrelated relationships are not considered too bad. Let's talk about France.
If there is a relationship between a French President and a young lady, then there is a lot of discussion in the world. However, the matter was not discussed in France.
But in France, there is another factor to keep in mind that, film like "Fifty Shades of Gray" has been declared as suitable for 12 years or more.
Many were surprised by the fact that the French were not the first to an unmarried relationship.
Most French thinks that having unrelated relationships is not bad.
63 percent of French thinks it is possible to love one without being honest in regardless of relationship.
Only 28 percent of the regret is acknowledged by the fact that illegal relations are concerned.
4. Germany
Rate 45%
Germans emphasize married relationships more than French.
However, the rate of illegal relations between them is also high.
40 percent of the men admit to the illegal relations regret for this.
In the case of German women, this figure is 43 percent.
3. Italy
Rate 45%
Former Italian Prime Minister criticized for illegal relationships worldwide.
The story of Casanova of the eighteenth century, is also discussed in Italy for illegal relations.
It is not unusual for the people of that country to become third in the world of legality.
But divorce rate in Italy is very low.
In many cases illegal relations are accepted socially.
2. Denmark
Rate 46%
Denmark's Copenhagen was known as the capital of unrelated illegal relations in Europe for a long time.
However, the city has recently lost this glory (?).
The number of married women in Denmark on online dating has increased.
1. Thailand
Rate 56%
The number of Red Light District (Sexes) is highest in Bangkok of Thailand in the world.
The country's economy has a huge income from this sector.
56 percent of married women and men are involved in illegal activities.
In many societies in Thailand, relations of men with other women except wife are not considered bad.

The survey was conducted by "The Richest and Match.com" on married couples from different countries of the world.
