Marion Maréchal Le Pen explains why feminists are hypocrites in brilliant 3 min speech(Eng

  • 7 years ago
Marion Le Pen is the niece of Marine Le Pen. English Subtitles. Féministes Her speech took place during a debate in the French Assemblée Nationale on a new .
Valls gets a standing ovation after delivering a passionate speech in response to a typically acerbic question from Marion Le Pen in the French parliament.

Provence has long been a party stronghold - and has a Front National MP, in the shape of its latest rising star, Marion Maréchal Le Pen. Our Foreign Affairs .
Députée et porte-parole de Marine Le Pen pour la campagne présidentielle, Marion Maréchal Le Pen est l´invitée de l´émission « Face aux chrétiens .


