Yves Tanguy

  • 7 years ago
This summer the Katonah Museum of Art presented Double Solitaire: The Surreal Worlds of Kay Sage and Yves Tanguy. In this short documentary, we .
Танги Ив (Tanguy Ives) (1900-1955), французский художник-сюрреалист. ============================= French surrealist painter Tanguy Ives .
Conferencia de Guillermo Solana, director artístico del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, dentro del ciclo de conferencias “Cinco surrealistas en las colecciones .
Raymond Georges Yves Tanguy (January 5, 1900 -- January 15, 1955) was a surrealist painter. He was born in Paris, France, the son of a retired navy captain.
