• 8 years ago
ANIMES: Sym-Bionic Titan Henkei Shoujo SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! SONG LIST: Manuel - Gas Gas Gas Initial D - Deja Vu Initial D - Dancing Initial D - Perfect .
Thanks to Aiimaneee, thegrassmaster2 ,Haruna Kai Ni, NeRoN741, Baker7498Army, PãoComPorra #PãoComPorra, pokemon56761, lateasusual, Modestas .
Thanks FLASH POWDER,Power puncher,Payro,WhiskeyZ,jRebel420 for suggesting clips Original Videos: .
Songs used in this video: Manuel - Gas Gas Gas Initial D - Deja Vu Initial D - Running in The 90s Initial D - Speedy Speed boy Initial D - Rider of The Sky Initial D .


