x rays were discovered by germen physicist wilhelm conrad rontgen in 78 nov 1895. Discovery of xrays, wilhelm conrad rontgen, first xray, what are x rays made .
Radiography in hindi is a video tutorial for radiographer student. Here you can find knowledge about radiography in hindi. We will include all topics of .
Development and construction of x ray tube, its contents, principles and definetions. parts of xray tube tube enclosure, cathode, focusing cup, filament, anode .
Hello Guys!! Welcome To AhMaD Infotech!! Today i will tell you about x-Ray!!What is x-ray?what is use?what is side effect?All things explain in detail. X-rays are .
Radiography in hindi is a video tutorial for radiographer student. Here you can find knowledge about radiography in hindi. We will include all topics of .
Development and construction of x ray tube, its contents, principles and definetions. parts of xray tube tube enclosure, cathode, focusing cup, filament, anode .
Hello Guys!! Welcome To AhMaD Infotech!! Today i will tell you about x-Ray!!What is x-ray?what is use?what is side effect?All things explain in detail. X-rays are .