Nutty professor dad electrifies chair to stop daughter rocking on it

  • 7 years ago
An amusing prank video has emerged from Australia of a self-styled "nutty professor" father electrifying his daughter's chair to stop her rocking on it.

In the video, which was filmed on August 15, science teacher Jacob Strickling connects the parts from a bug zapper to his daughter's chair.

When the chair is rocked, an aluminium foil ball swings into a contact switch, completing the circuit.

This then triggers a high voltage between two thin wires on the seat of the chair.

When Jabob's daughter then rocks the chair, she receives a small electric shock, enough to make her stop rocking but not enough to do any lasting damage.

"Are your kids always rocking on their chairs? Mine are, and it drives me crazy!" Strickling wrote online


