Mysterious blue dogs spotted running around India

  • 7 years ago
NAVI MUMBAI, INDIA — Street dogs in Northern Mumbai have been spotted with blue fur, and it's now been revealed the cause a case of corporate carelessness.

A private company has been found responsible for dumping excess waste pollutants from detergent products into the Kasadi River. At least five dogs, as well as a few birds have been seen running around with a smurf-blue tint. The animals are known to search for food near in the water, but what comes with the meal now is the free hair coloring.

It's not as cute as it looks though, as its been reported that one of the dogs has gone blind as a result of the dye. The poor pooch and the other blue animals are being treated by the local SPCA. The dye should wash off in time, but to keep the blue craze from spreading, The Hindustan Times reports the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has warned the company it will be shut down if its waste protocols are not brought up to health and safety standard within 15 days.
