Anime: Ryuugajou Nanana No Maizoukin 龍ヶ嬢七々々の埋蔵金 Episode 2.
Crédits: Song: Future - Trap Niggas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OLD CHANNEL IS BACK: Hope you guys enjoy the video, if you did leave a like-comment .
A funny section of DouchebagChocolats spring line up review. *Thanks so much to the people who told me where this was from!
Canipa presents a full anime review of the adventure, action, comedy series, Nananas Buried Treasure (Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin) This review .
Crédits: Song: Future - Trap Niggas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OLD CHANNEL IS BACK: Hope you guys enjoy the video, if you did leave a like-comment .
A funny section of DouchebagChocolats spring line up review. *Thanks so much to the people who told me where this was from!
Canipa presents a full anime review of the adventure, action, comedy series, Nananas Buried Treasure (Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin) This review .