Motorcyclist cruises down busy road with two pet huskies

  • 7 years ago
A motorcyclist cruises down the road with his pet husky in his lap and another sitting on a plastic garden chair.

Kitsana Kongsawat, 27, spotted the man riding his moped on a country road on August 8 in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.

She filmed the man as the two dogs looked nervously at each other from their precarious positions.

One was sitting on the scooter’s footrest with its head in-between the man’s leg and the other was standing on a plastic garden chair that had been tied to the back of the bike.

Adding to the health and safety hazards was the rider’s rucksack which was tied uneasily next to the rear wheel with its flaps trailing in the wind.

Kitsana said: ‘’The dog’s in the VIP hot seat. It looks like he has the special chair just for him to travel comfortably.

‘’I hope he did not fall off. But they both looked like they were enjoying the ride.’'


