• 8 years ago
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African Lions Most Funny Attacks Compilation – Lion vs Hippo vs Buffalo vs Porcupine vs Deer

Buffaloes Vs Lions Or Defeat And King Humiliation
The best videos about the animal world!
Section of videos only with dogs and cats and another one with videos about the most diverse other terrestrial animals! To not lose!

The LION is a species of carnivorous mammal of the Panthera genus and of the Felidae family. The species is now found in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. It is one of the four big cats, with some males exceeding 250 kilograms in weight, being the second largest cat after the tiger.

BUFFALO-AFRICAN is a bovine mammal native to Africa, commonly found on the savannah in countries throughout sub-Saharan Africa, although usually confined to protected areas. It is a large herbivore. The adult female reaches 1.60 meters in height and about 500 kg to 600 kg in weight. The adult male is even larger, reaching about 1.80 meters in height (measures taken from the ground to the maximum height of the shoulder) and 900 kg in weight.

The African buffalo, although physically similar to the common buffalo found in cattle breeding in northern Brazil, is a larger and wild animal. The adult buffalo is very strong, imposing respect even on a group of lions that can cross its path. Lions can kill and eat a buffalo, but this requires a group of lions to organize and attack a single animal. It is very rare for a lion to be able to seriously injure or kill an adult buffalo by attacking it alone.

Na África, a luta entre um leão com Buffalo Africano acontece frequentemente. Porque os leões realmente gostam de caçar o búfalo africano, além da quantidade que muitos acabaram com a carne de búfalo africano é tão abundante. Mas nem sempre caçar leões no Buffalo Africano anda direto.

African Buffalo é um animal africano muito forte com resistência superior. Embora não seja tão grande como um rinoceronte, o Buffalo Namu capaz de competir com o poder de um rinoceronte. Neste vídeo é mostrado 2 leões matar um Africano Buffalo tentou, mas falhou. Apesar de ferimentos graves eventualmente, o africano Buffalo ganhou a batalha e sobreviveu a presa de leões morrer de fome

En África la lucha entre un león con el búfalo africano sucede a menudo. Porque los leones realmente como para cazar búfalo africano, además de la cantidad que muchos han dado vuelta a la carne del búfalo africano es tan abundante. Pero no siempre los leones de la caza en el búfalo africano caminan derecho.

El Búfalo Africano es un animal africano muy fuerte con resistencia superior. Aunque no es tan grande como un rinoceronte africano Buffalo namu capaz de competir con el poder de un rinoceronte. En este video se muestra 2 leones matan a un búfalo africano intentado pero falló. A pesar de las lesiones graves, el búfalo africano ganó la batalla y sobrevivió a la presa de los leones que mueren de hambre


