Criminal Files - Linda Culbertson (Psycho For Love)

  • 7 years ago
From Evason Jacobs’ appeal: Donald Pierce was shot to death in the hallway outside his office on the evening of June 7, 1989. Police responding to a report of gunshots found a hysterical Linda and Donald Pierce’s body. Hearing shouts, they ran to the top floor, where they found Evason with his hands tied behind his back. When asked what happened, Evason said he had been hit from behind and did not know anything else. He was taken to the hospital and then released.

After questioning Linda all night, police called Evason and asked him to come to the station for an interview. He agreed, and arrived at 7:30 a.m. on June 8. He signed a form waiving his Miranda rights at 7:40 a.m. After speaking to detectives for an hour and a half, Evason gave two videotaped statements in which he described his role in the murder of Donald Pierce. Those statements, and testimony at Evason’s trial, revealed the following series of events.

Linda approached Evason in May of 1989 and discussed the possibility of finding someone to kill Pierce. Evason talked to his friend Quincy Brown about asking Quincy’s brother, who was on parole for murder, to kill Pierce. Quincy’s brother declined the offer, but Quincy agreed to kill Donald Pierce. Linda gave Evason $600 to give to Quincy, and Evason gave Quincy $200 of that money. When attempts by Evason and Quincy to buy a gun were unsuccessful, they agreed that Quincy would use Evason’s .12 gauge shotgun, which Evason then brought to work.

Quincy came to 1111 Grand several times in May and June of 1989 with the intention of killing Donald Pierce, but, until June 7, always backed out at the last minute. At 7:30 p.m. on June 7, 1989, Quincy came to 1111 Grand dressed in black. He entered through the back door, which Evason had left open for him. Evason took Quincy to the place where he had hidden the shotgun, and then took him to the top floor, where Evason showed him how to open the doors to make it look like there had been a burglary. Linda then came and told them that Pierce was getting ready to leave. Quincy tied up Evason, hit him on the head, and scattered the contents of his wallet, all in furtherance of their plan to make it look like a burglary.

Linda and Quincy went down to the third floor, but a few minutes later Evason came down and told Quincy that he had neglected to open the door to the roof. Quincy returned to the top floor, opened the door to the roof, and retied Evason. Quincy then returned to the third floor.

At Evason’s trial Quincy testified that, after he returned to the third floor, Donald Pierce came out of his office. Quincy fired the shotgun, hitting Pierce in the shoulder. Pierce cried for Linda to help him, but she pushed Quincy toward him and told Quincy to kill him, or else they’d all go to jail. Quincy shot Pierce again, hitting him in the knee. Quincy then handed the gun to Linda and fled from the building.

Donald Pierce died of a third gunshot wound to the eye, inflicted by Linda after Quincy ran away. Linda hid the gun, which police later found in a bag with Linda’s fingerprints on it. It was after the discovery of the murder weapon that Linda made a statement implicating Evason and Quincy in the murder.


