
  • 7 years ago
As part of their
never ending (ANIMATION Van marked
UBER drives past man in business
suit crouching behind a bush to
avoid being seen by the van)
manhunt to find people who are
still willing to work for them,
Uber has hired (IMAGE : Firefox
logo) Firefox founder, former
(IMAGE : Facebook logo) Facebook
executive, and third runner up in his high school’s Whitest Name contest, Blake Ross.
So let’s see... Firefox and Facebook are both companies with a lot of funding despite never
Visit https://driveruno.com/ for more updates.
Want to become a Driver and Earn More. Here are my referral links:
Uber : https://www.uber.com/a/us?invite_code...
Lyft: https://www.lyft.com/invite/PRASAD167027


