羋月傳 第62集 Legend of MiYue Ep 62 Eng Sub

  • 7 years ago
undefined:undefinedBut I do not want to be caught this happens officer
undefined:undefinedYou thief thief hand Old Woman
undefined:undefinedBut deeper investigation
undefined:undefinedYou uncovered several mastermind behind the assignment
undefined:undefinedIt was never intended to Tao House wedding reception
undefined:undefinedTao House do not wedding reception
undefined:undefinedThere ware system and robbery ah
undefined:undefinedTao House to wedding reception
undefined:undefinedMrs. Tao Yin Xi do clothes
undefined:undefinedIt is well known that the thing
undefined:undefinedEven Tao House to wedding reception
undefined:undefinedMrs. Tao Yin Xi do clothes
undefined:undefinedThis city of some thistle city
undefined:undefinedSpecifically serve dignitaries who sew embroidered mother
undefined:undefinedWhere you get round these
undefined:undefinedWest City nameless woman clumsy to use ah
undefined:undefinedYou go to the city a good look
undefined:undefinedI'm afraid those dignitaries wearing
undefined:undefinedThere is a lot of my clumsy woman sewing
undefined:undefinedWhat are you confessed ah
undefined:undefinedIt seems that you relied on others to sew the name
undefined:undefinedIn the city do this thing Jiminggoudao
undefined:undefinedIs not one or two days a
undefined:undefinedThis profiteering to take a good look it up
undefined:undefinedLook at Thistle City city
undefined:undefinedIn the end how many of the victims of your ways
undefined:undefinedAdults may not know
undefined:undefinedWe are from Thailand
undefined:undefinedThe son of the king is your uncle
undefined:undefinedYounger brother after the son of Ji Yi
undefined:undefinedThis lady is the mother of the son of millet
undefined:undefinedYou framed good
undefined:undefinedThis is elegant irreverence
undefined:undefinedQin proton
undefined:undefinedWere the first big it scared me friends
undefined:undefinedIf you really loved king
undefined:undefinedHow will empty-handed
undefined:undefinedThis went cheap inhabited West City
undefined:undefinedAh come incognito
undefined:undefinedYou do not believe
undefined:undefinedYou can find a country with Guo Wei verification
undefined:undefinedYou cunning woman
undefined:undefinedYou know that our country phase
undefined:undefinedAfter accompanied the king and ease of eviction
undefined:undefinedDo you want to take this opportunity to stall for time
undefined:undefinedIt is a good opportunity to escape
undefined:undefinedWhat you really tricks
undefined:undefinedCome down with them all
undefined:undefinedAs the officer in charge of your Prison
undefined:undefinedEating the court official's salary
undefined:undefinedHow can unwarranted arrest people indiscriminately
undefined:undefinedShi mercy of chaos
undefined:undefinedThe officer said grasp
undefined:undefinedThey will be caught
undefined:undefinedHow can you ah
undefined:undefinedThe officer is not a good thing
undefined:undefinedis not that right
undefined:undefinedSpecifically women and children to bully the weak
undefined:undefinedIt is
undefined:undefinedSince you are coming Qin
undefined:undefinedYou should know the law of Shang Yang
undefined:undefinedThe Prince advocated breaking the law and the common people with the crime
undefined:undefinedThe officer say to you more thorough investigation by law
undefined:undefinedGave me taken away
undefined:undefinedAlso prompting the officer along the street for public display
undefined:undefinedLet the people of the city
undefined:undefinedWe have to take a good look
undefined:undefinedThese Qin you come Thief
undefined:undefinedWhat a countenance
undefined:undefinedCharge down
undefined:undefinedSub Break
undefined:undefinedQin both proton
undefined:undefinedTo take away shall be read as representations to the Qin
undefined:undefinedYou are who
undefined:undefinedHuang Chu next break
undefined:undefinedA small scholar
undefined:undefinedLittle nosy here
undefined:undefinedAs Zhaotingmingguan
undefined:undefinedCook counts framed good for the Pirates
undefined:undefinedSuch tubes may be no big deal everyone
undefined:undefinedThese gold jewelry is evidence
undefined:undefinedThe officer free to find no fewer than ten people
undefined:undefinedWitness this old woman yesterday afternoon
undefined:undefinedHolding two box into the yard
undefined:undefinedBoth stolen goods
undefined:undefinedWho dares Under this broad daylight
undefined:undefinedHolding in hand through the streets
undefined:undefinedBack home in full view
undefined:undefinedIs this not afraid thief
undefined:undefinedOthers know his whereabouts
undefined:undefinedHe intends to widely advertised
undefined:undefinedThe officer as well as other evidence
undefined:undefinedThen take a look at the evidence out
undefined:undefinedCould you have just found other stolen goods to the ah
undefined:undefinedThere is one house mink clothes
undefined:undefinedDo not go and bring
undefined:undefinedgrown ups
undefined:undefinedHow to do
undefined:undefinedSure enough suspicious
undefined:undefinedYou people such as the poor and lowly beggar
undefined:undefinedWhere is dressed in such expensive clothes
undefined:undefinedStolen goods and was
undefined:undefinedGave me locked up
undefined:undefinedFirst public display along the street
undefined:undefinedThen back to court
undefined:undefinedThis shall make diligent inquiries
undefined:undefinedThis is a mother to do clothes
undefined:undefinedgive me back
undefined:undefinedGet out
undefined:undefinedMillet millet children children
undefined:undefinedYou also hands-on children
undefined:undefinedJi children
undefined:undefinedI let go back
undefined:undefinedgo with
undefined:undefinedJi children
undefined:undefinedSon son
undefined:undefinedYou come at me Boa
undefined:undefinedGet out
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen
undefined:undefinedWho would have dared to tamper with
undefined:undefinedLike this hussy as
undefined:undefinedgrown ups
undefined:undefinedMay children get out
undefined:undefinedTaught me
undefined:undefinedOn ah
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen
undefined:undefinedKill the beast gang
undefined:undefinedDo not fight do not fight do not fight it
undefined:undefinedMay children
undefined:undefinedLet's kill teamwork Youcheng
undefined:undefinedIn this city can be considered thistle pierce the sky
undefined:undefinedI think this place should not stay
undefined:undefinedWe must be out of the city before dark
undefined:undefinedit is good
undefined:undefinedPrincess Mi month
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun
undefined:undefinedHow do you suddenly to Yan
undefined:undefinedI heard you were bullied by the Yan State
undefined:undefinedI immediately came up with the brothers
undefined:undefinedI thought the arrival late
undefined:undefinedMake you frightened
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun cavalier sense of justice
undefined:undefinedDistress to save trapped
undefined:undefinedToday, if you do not help
undefined:undefinedI will certainly caught shackles, etc.
undefined:undefinedBetween you and me do not need polite
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun Jigonghaoyi
undefined:undefinedPlease rest and worship by Huang
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi You're not dead yet
undefined:undefinedBack from the dead
undefined:undefinedToday saw
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi can be considered heroes
undefined:undefinedMrs. Mi
undefined:undefinedSo today ancestry disaster
undefined:undefinedLaoshen are wrong
undefined:undefinedMother Do not blame yourself
undefined:undefinedThose culprits
undefined:undefinedSee bent on evil birds get together
undefined:undefinedHer mother good heart
undefined:undefinedIt will inevitably be in their treacherous
undefined:undefinedRight now the court
undefined:undefinedWe will send someone immediately hunt
undefined:undefinedHer mother had together out of the city with us
undefined:undefinedThat is the best policy
undefined:undefinedMi wife you'd better hurry to escape it
undefined:undefinedI have relatives in the countryside
undefined:undefinedI can go to hide a hide
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen is too poor
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen you wake up
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen wake up
undefined:undefinedHong child
undefined:undefinedThese give Linlixiangqin
undefined:undefinedPlease send them exceedingly Sao Ching
undefined:undefinedJi children
undefined:undefinedMrs. Chen is a good mother
undefined:undefinedShe has put you
undefined:undefinedAs it is their baby look the same
undefined:undefinedRemember one day
undefined:undefinedTo avenge her off old scores
undefined:undefinedReally waste
undefined:undefinedYou brought so many men go
undefined:undefinedSome women actually Zhuobu Zhu
undefined:undefinedA urchin
undefined:undefinedLady should know
undefined:undefinedWest City is the mob gathered in the land
undefined:undefinedMi Mrs. Savage
undefined:undefinedChu Huang Xie help out there
undefined:undefinedAnd later jumped out to a lot of the barbarian
undefined:undefinedSo I
undefined:undefinedHow will stir in the barbarian
undefined:undefinedVillain did wonder
undefined:undefinedBut listen to their accents
undefined:undefinedSee their pies
undefined:undefinedIndeed a barbarian
undefined:undefinedAbsolutely wrong
undefined:undefinedA Good Mi month
undefined:undefinedHow dare collusion barbarian mob fights
undefined:undefinedGood at killing Zhaotingmingguan
undefined:undefinedLight of these counts
undefined:undefinedEnough she fell several times in the head
undefined:undefinedJust follow the counsel of the original Mrs.
undefined:undefinedThey give a rat stealing security charges of stealing dog
undefined:undefinedIndeed publicly humiliate
undefined:undefinedThen they receive then slowly tortured in prison
undefined:undefinedBut the contractors who did not catch the people want
undefined:undefinedIt touches the lives of Youcheng Tingwei
undefined:undefinedTo take into account the
undefined:undefinedSide Hao
undefined:undefinedYou adults a worthy death
undefined:undefinedHe lives
undefined:undefinedSake that bitch
undefined:undefinedMrs. mean
undefined:undefinedI always wanted to seek a fatal knife in another way
undefined:undefinedPack that bitch
undefined:undefinedBut the State refused blood-stained hands Xiangye
undefined:undefinedThis is just great
undefined:undefinedYan Na Jianren committed criminal law
undefined:undefinedBeheadings are too light
undefined:undefinedJulie will be when the place of punishment
undefined:undefinedThere Zaodingchoulei
undefined:undefinedBao Luo dig heart
undefined:undefinedMiyuejigen son
undefined:undefinedThistle City Committed trouble killing people
undefined:undefinedWe will certainly find a way out of town as soon as possible
undefined:undefinedTo grab the lady in front of them ah
undefined:undefinedYou go to
undefined:undefinedState Xiangye not
undefined:undefinedThistle out of this city and other major
undefined:undefinedNotification officers and soldiers guarding the city
undefined:undefinedImmediately close the gates
undefined:undefinedThe city searching for prisoners
undefined:undefinedShut the gates fast
undefined:undefinedDuo Duo open
undefined:undefinedQuick-closing gates
undefined:undefinedShut the gates quickly fast
undefined:undefinedNo one was allowed out
undefined:undefinedQuick-closing gates
undefined:undefinedShut the gate
undefined:undefinedThey stopped stopped them
undefined:undefinedHide away point
undefined:undefinedFast ah
undefined:undefinedI can not run gave stopped
undefined:undefinedDo not run a
undefined:undefinedJi children are not afraid
undefined:undefinedDo not let them run
undefined:undefinedGive me chase chase Yeah Yeah
undefined:undefinedGive me to come here
undefined:undefinedA maid adults asked to see the country Xiangfu
undefined:undefinedLet her come
undefined:undefinedMrs. Ling child with maid State Meet Mr. Su
undefined:undefinedYou find me anything ah
undefined:undefinedMr. Qin seeking to save Proton
undefined:undefinedSon Ji mother's life
undefined:undefinedwhat did you say
undefined:undefinedMother and son millet limited life
undefined:undefinedMr. Ling child know cavalier sense of justice
undefined:undefinedJi mother and son had timely help
undefined:undefinedIn addition to the matter Mr.
undefined:undefinedLing child no one can find
undefined:undefinedIn the end what is going on out
undefined:undefinedIt was falsely accused of stealing mother and son millet
undefined:undefinedTingwei Youcheng troops to go catch
undefined:undefinedTogether with his wife Mi collision
undefined:undefinedBoth bloodiest
undefined:undefinedTingwei You Cheng confused lost their lives
undefined:undefinedWhat is the state of Qin who dare falsely accused proton
undefined:undefinedYes country with his wife
undefined:undefinedThis is a bit too absurd, right
undefined:undefinedMrs. country with his wife and Mi
undefined:undefinedHalf sisters
undefined:undefinedTwenty years of resentment entanglement
undefined:undefinedMrs. Yan Mi all kinds of hardship in the country
undefined:undefinedIt is related to the country with his wife
undefined:undefinedWhy do not you go to that country with ah
undefined:undefinedAfter the national phase accompanied Yan Yi out of the city
undefined:undefinedThings are now how can I
undefined:undefinedI heard his wife with a son Mi Ji
undefined:undefinedThistle had escaped the city
undefined:undefinedMrs. States took the country with privately phase of Ling Fu
undefined:undefinedTo fully mobilize the army to hunt
undefined:undefinedMrs. national phase dare so arrogant paradox
undefined:undefinedShe does not know her own actions
undefined:undefinedNot only ruin the day of the national phase
undefined:undefinedMore chaotic political affairs of the State of Yan ah
undefined:undefinedSo just to quickly find ways Mr.
undefined:undefinedgrown ups
undefined:undefinedNow the horse I was going out of town
undefined:undefinedDays to go dark
undefined:undefinedIn front of a thatched cottage
undefined:undefinedIt should be the hunter in the mountains
undefined:undefinedWhen hunting live
undefined:undefinedWe stayed in there it
undefined:undefinedit is good
undefined:undefinedSon eat
undefined:undefinedPlease 黄公子
undefined:undefinedMay let children eat
undefined:undefinedDrink water
undefined:undefinedLet two laughed
undefined:undefinedI see such a miserable and millet children
undefined:undefinedI got into so much trouble
undefined:undefinedBut also to incriminate you
undefined:undefinedAnd we run away together
undefined:undefinedWhat hurt
undefined:undefinedSay this would blame me
undefined:undefinedIf I had to stop you
undefined:undefinedWill not let you come Yan
undefined:undefinedYou are now with child
undefined:undefinedThere is not such a big sin by the
undefined:undefinedHow can this thing do strange Yi Qu Jun
undefined:undefinedI still blame
undefined:undefinedI was incompetent
undefined:undefinedBaoyue not child mother and child
undefined:undefinedIt is more can not blame you
undefined:undefinedChu all the way
undefined:undefinedThis eight-pole could not beat something with you ah
undefined:undefinedThat you can not blame more
undefined:undefinedThat blame
undefined:undefinedBlame me
undefined:undefinedI was lucky
undefined:undefinedAfter the first Chu Chu Wei
undefined:undefinedMi is the King of Qin Shu
undefined:undefinedNow and then is Yanguo Guo Yan with Mrs. Mi
undefined:undefinedThey want to kill me
undefined:undefinedSo yeah
undefined:undefinedYour life is more than big
undefined:undefinedYou are courageous
undefined:undefinedAfter all these years
undefined:undefinedThat you still fearless Mi month
undefined:undefinedFirst, I have sinned against Chu
undefined:undefinedQin then offended
undefined:undefinedAt the moment there again Yan
undefined:undefinedI am a man suddenly offended three countries
undefined:undefinedYou actually dare to come to me to help me
undefined:undefinedI'm bigger than you courage
undefined:undefinedFrom each other
undefined:undefinedDo not just the two of you looks around the
undefined:undefinedI also have a look at it
undefined:undefinedOK see you
undefined:undefinedMother, do not be afraid
undefined:undefinedEven one day
undefined:undefinedMillet children and mothers
undefined:undefinedThe world countries are offended
undefined:undefinedThat also how
undefined:undefinedThere is also a
undefined:undefinedBigger than we are courageous
undefined:undefinedThis is not a timid son
undefined:undefinedThis is the ambition
undefined:undefinedIn time
undefined:undefinedSon if he eventually support
undefined:undefinedWill be able to achieve the ambitious
undefined:undefinedZhang Ji children need something like the Son, and break
undefined:undefinedSuch people help job
undefined:undefinedBoy do you think the world is
undefined:undefinedIt was opposed to war battleground
undefined:undefinedYou have to personally lead troops
undefined:undefinedTo fight the enemy on the battlefield
undefined:undefinedLike the kind of honey in oil
undefined:undefinedEven with the mouth of a person
undefined:undefinedNo big thing
undefined:undefinedRemember, ah
undefined:undefinedWell, it's getting late
undefined:undefinedMillet children go to sleep
undefined:undefinedI do not want to sleep
undefined:undefinedObedient accompany Niangqin
undefined:undefinedHow have not slept
undefined:undefinedI can not sleep
undefined:undefinedI could not sleep
undefined:undefinedYou probably have not heard
undefined:undefinedZhang Yi died
undefined:undefinedZhang son is dead
undefined:undefinedHow to die
undefined:undefinedQin Wei returned after he left
undefined:undefinedSoon passed away
undefined:undefinedYou have to see this several times trying to tell you
undefined:undefinedI think you can be profound friendship
undefined:undefinedZhang Wei in sub-human
undefined:undefinedHe never mentioned the matter with outsiders
undefined:undefinedBut I think his mind is thinking about home
undefined:undefinedSo whatever the outcome, he can return to his hometown
undefined:undefinedNever leave
undefined:undefinedThat there is any good
undefined:undefinedYou see what to say
undefined:undefinedThere there beautiful
undefined:undefinedThat there is any good
undefined:undefinedJust prior to the State of Yan
undefined:undefinedThis is your brother to my son Rong
undefined:undefinedRong children
undefined:undefinedRong children how kind
undefined:undefinedRong children in difficulty
undefined:undefinedGet him to the king Yunmeng Ze
undefined:undefinedWar with barbarians
undefined:undefinedLack of forage without backup
undefined:undefinedHe alone struggled with soldiers
undefined:undefineddespite this
undefined:undefinedHe was worried about my safety as one
undefined:undefinedBefore coming to the State of Yan Pro
undefined:undefinedI met with him and trying to one side
undefined:undefinedAt that time the two of us to discuss
undefined:undefinedIf you are not going to be in the State of Yan
undefined:undefinedChu wanted to approach it back
undefined:undefinedWe arrange everything
undefined:undefinedYou are not easy
undefined:undefinedI have no hard -
undefined:undefinedHuang Xie no family no drag
undefined:undefinedSo many years
undefined:undefinedWhy are you still all alone
undefined:undefinedI am also not willing overwhelmed Automorphic
undefined:undefinedJust have not find a like-minded person
undefined:undefinedWhy do they wronged themselves
undefined:undefinedSomeone can help the child break
undefined:undefinedCold warm would be nice to know know
undefined:undefinedI think I can be around people
undefined:undefinedI know I know
undefined:undefinedMay your child is negative
undefined:undefinedAnd I say this to kind
undefined:undefinedNot to mention you all these years in the state of Qin
undefined:undefinedNot easy
undefined:undefinedSi Qin won him good to me
undefined:undefinedQin Heroes
undefined:undefinedYou know the
undefined:undefinedcherish you
undefined:undefinedQin high knowledge vision
undefined:undefinedMi month for helping his career
undefined:undefinedIf there is no king
undefined:undefinedMi month is always a little insight ordinary woman
undefined:undefinedQin follow
undefined:undefinedMay children only grow up
undefined:undefinedQin did not meet before
undefined:undefinedMay children only know how to value the children of love
undefined:undefinedWhitewater Creek Kam heart is clear as a
undefined:undefinedAfter the Qin to get to know
undefined:undefinedI discovered this world
undefined:undefinedThere is another high bank ravine affection
undefined:undefinedTakagishi ravine
undefined:undefinedMay children well said
undefined:undefinedQin is scheduled to be on children as a father Ruxiong
undefined:undefinedTherefore on that day
undefined:undefinedMay children was less than give
undefined:undefinedBut also from that day
undefined:undefinedMay children at a glance
undefined:undefinedBetween heaven and earth
undefined:undefinedI owe most of the people
undefined:undefinedIs that you
undefined:undefinedI hope the Qin month child
undefined:undefinedAs the pre-existence of past life
undefined:undefinedfrom now on
undefined:undefinedAre you willing to follow me
undefined:undefinedRe-live it again
undefined:undefinedYou say teamwork Youcheng killed
undefined:undefinedMrs. Mi Ji fled with son
undefined:undefinedThe bar is not accidental
undefined:undefinedAdults Meditate
undefined:undefinedTao Yin adults a
undefined:undefinedOvernight lost a lot of gold jewelry
undefined:undefinedIt was witnessed thieves stolen goods
undefined:undefinedMrs. Mi transported to the west of the city of residence
undefined:undefinedYou Cheng adults that case
undefined:undefinedPeople go with inventory
undefined:undefinedClinker that Mrs. Mi aggressive abnormal
undefined:undefinedSubstandard phrase crossed swords
undefined:undefinedThey Cheng adults were Huang Quan
undefined:undefinedYou Cheng investigators that the lord
undefined:undefinedIs there no band staff
undefined:undefinedBand is brought
undefined:undefinedSome soldiers several officials
undefined:undefinedBut Mrs. Mi arrived, but there are a lot
undefined:undefinedThere are a lot
undefined:undefinedAccording to the old lady know
undefined:undefinedThat lady has been left penniless Mi point
undefined:undefinedIn addition to around two Nvbi
undefined:undefinedNo others to follow
undefined:undefinedShe suddenly made a fortune
undefined:undefinedWest City recruiting
undefined:undefinedThe mass response
undefined:undefinedDuring that confrontation Huang Chu rushed to break
undefined:undefinedLater there is the city of West Ranger swordsman
undefined:undefinedHe took the opportunity to cause trouble
undefined:undefinedThere do not know where to come out of
undefined:undefinedSome open to kill the NPC Hu
undefined:undefinedOK OK
undefined:undefinedNaturally, we are all understand
undefined:undefinedThis woman
undefined:undefinedDo not listen hard to persuade the old lady
undefined:undefinedDare to take the world largest condemnation
undefined:undefinedYou are saying that adults
undefined:undefinedI mean
undefined:undefinedThat Mrs. Mi ordinary woman
undefined:undefinedSo much so courage of strategy
undefined:undefinedWest City Ranger side Rong barbarian
undefined:undefinedWere she easily rein
undefined:undefinedQi year when people invade
undefined:undefinedThe old lady if she is so courageous and means
undefined:undefinedNot easy to defeat the invaders
undefined:undefinedAdults say very
undefined:undefinedSo the country with his wife is impatient fire
undefined:undefinedSend me speedily come to report it
undefined:undefinedToday, mother and son Ji Huang Xie et al.
undefined:undefinedThistle had escaped the city
undefined:undefinedNot to mention the city inside and outside the chaos of the situation
undefined:undefinedThis is a great sin proton flee
undefined:undefinedRob and kill more than a sin
undefined:undefinedDesperado frenzied
undefined:undefinedShould not someone halfway collusion
undefined:undefinedThe situation would be difficult to control
undefined:undefinedWe look to the country as soon as possible with adults decide
undefined:undefinedMrs. can send someone to chase
undefined:undefinedMrs. ingenious
undefined:undefinedMother and son millet judgment
undefined:undefinedMust flee to Chu
undefined:undefinedLing Fu country immediately come up with an adult
undefined:undefinedOne is sent to the Qi
undefined:undefinedQi Yan limit the request to assist the hunt
undefined:undefinedAfterwards commitment must be thick newspaper
undefined:undefinedSecond band signal sent to Qin and Chu
undefined:undefinedAfter Hui and told the king
undefined:undefinedHeaven millet mother and son
undefined:undefinedMust not hesitate
undefined:undefinedThird, the emergency pass into the House general field
undefined:undefinedTroops kill instantly go
undefined:undefinedThis audacious woman
undefined:undefinedPrivate dare pass the old lady Ling Fu
undefined:undefinedThe horse I want to get right back to Thistle City
undefined:undefinedYou these flattering villain
undefined:undefinedThe old lady victimized
undefined:undefinedGuoxiang Guoxiang
undefined:undefinedHis mother
undefined:undefinedSu Qin Meet the King
undefined:undefinedSince Mr. Please
undefined:undefinedXie king
undefined:undefinedWe must immediately return to duty child Thistle City
undefined:undefinedWhy such a hurry queen mother
undefined:undefinedMrs. Mi accident
undefined:undefinedMother and son millet was falsely accused of stealing row
undefined:undefinedAnti-thistle force them out of the city
undefined:undefinedRight now the country with unauthorized troop movements Mrs.
undefined:undefinedMother and son went to hunt millet
undefined:undefinedPlease come to the country with
undefined:undefinedAfter the country with intrinsic easily send a representative to report it
undefined:undefinedSaid that because of the emergency government
undefined:undefinedThistle night back to the city
undefined:undefinedPhase hurry to leave country
undefined:undefinedMi husband must be the business of the people and about what
undefined:undefinedHeralds go
undefined:undefinedThistle City ready to return immediately
undefined:undefinedGrade children quickly tidy up
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun
undefined:undefinedMay you up princess
undefined:undefinedGrab our troops
undefined:undefinedHas been far from us
undefined:undefinedWe must leave immediately
undefined:undefinedHere southwest
undefined:undefinedSwagger horse two days
undefined:undefinedHu is the East region
undefined:undefinedAfter Dong Hu is Yiqu
undefined:undefinedI have been with the East Hu befriend
undefined:undefinedAs long as we got to the East Hu
undefined:undefinedIt can be safe
undefined:undefinedXiexie Yi Qu Jun kindness
undefined:undefinedBut on children intend to east
undefined:undefinedFirst Qi
undefined:undefinedThen think of ways back to Chu
undefined:undefinedChu go
undefined:undefinedHere from Qi
undefined:undefinedAt least to embark on an eight-day road
undefined:undefinedAnd now Yan
undefined:undefinedPour in the country's military to kill us
undefined:undefinedWe get to be men
undefined:undefinedYan Jun met halfway
undefined:undefinedIt will slash ah
undefined:undefinedDo not tell me this is the idea Huang Gongzai
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun-to-month child profound friendship
undefined:undefinedWe did not have ten years of stormy change
undefined:undefinedBut Chu is a monthly child home country
undefined:undefinedMay children of brothers
undefined:undefinedChu is now waiting on children
undefined:undefinedMy mind has been set
undefined:undefinedWang Yi Qu Jun also forgive me
undefined:undefinedPrincess is not only a brother
undefined:undefinedYi Qu in a play called white brother
undefined:undefinedHe is also eagerly waiting
undefined:undefinedAnd his sister reunion
undefined:undefinedThe Princess and the year the king to die juxtaposition
undefined:undefinedIt is for this Huang Gongzai
undefined:undefinedPrincess regardless of their own lives with the child
undefined:undefinedOptional insist difficult to abandon Easy
undefined:undefinedOr for him
undefined:undefinedYou wronged Huang Gongzi the
undefined:undefinedChu was my decision to go
undefined:undefinedProton fugitives out a great sin
undefined:undefinedMoreover, we Thistle City
undefined:undefinedKick up a row
undefined:undefinedYan is bound to chase us
undefined:undefinedQin would not stand idly by
undefined:undefinedRight now we can only go step by step
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun chivalrous enterohepatic
undefined:undefinedMi-month debt of gratitude
undefined:undefinedBut then I do not want to bring you into the woods
undefined:undefinedThis is what you say, then it
undefined:undefinedI was afraid to die Yi Qu Jun people do
undefined:undefinedLine does not do is go to Qi
undefined:undefinedI accompany you
undefined:undefinedThis is why you
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi he can lay down his life to accompany you
undefined:undefinedWhy am I not ah
undefined:undefinedIn order to avoid the pursuers
undefined:undefinedWe can only take the path
undefined:undefinedYou can not take the road
undefined:undefinedPrepare it
undefined:undefinedMrs. yet
undefined:undefinedMrs. go out
undefined:undefinedgo out
undefined:undefinedWhere did she go so early friends
undefined:undefinedIt is said to bring people out of the city
undefined:undefinedWhat fugitive arrest
undefined:undefinedShe also personally friends
undefined:undefinedMrs. heroine is ah
undefined:undefinedThis crazy woman
undefined:undefinedAlmost hopeless
undefined:undefinedLook at me
undefined:undefinedNot bad right
undefined:undefinedPretty good
undefined:undefinedTo come back
undefined:undefinedMother Mother
undefined:undefinedWhat are you thinking
undefined:undefinedChu remembered the mother of Miluo River
undefined:undefinedWhere the Miluo River
undefined:undefinedIt was his mother's hometown
undefined:undefinedIt is beautiful Miluo River
undefined:undefinedUnder the sun none of that beautiful river
undefined:undefinedMother away from home for so long
undefined:undefinedMother homesick
undefined:undefinedMillet children do not worry
undefined:undefinedHuang uncle will send you and your son back
undefined:undefinedSub Break
undefined:undefinedSometimes I really fear
undefined:undefinedI'm afraid this one is still a dream
undefined:undefinedHow much back
undefined:undefinedI returned home in a dream
undefined:undefinedBut the foot has not yet reached into the Miluo river
undefined:undefinedThis dream will wake up
undefined:undefinedThis time will not be the
undefined:undefinedTomorrow we will go to the border Qi
undefined:undefinedThe route through our Qi
undefined:undefinedSoon be able to return to the state of Chu
undefined:undefinedWe must see flexor Master together
undefined:undefinedMiluo River to go boating together
undefined:undefinedI knew this man out of the way
undefined:undefinedIt would not be
undefined:undefinedHe bowed to the light hit the cliff
undefined:undefinedHe had to make up a knife
undefined:undefinedIn addition you will kill
undefined:undefinedIt will move something else mind you
undefined:undefinedBrothers for the sake of the king
undefined:undefinedLook accordance with brothers
undefined:undefinedKing set will not lose him
undefined:undefinedWhat is this man
undefined:undefinedMountain man is a woman is water
undefined:undefinedA man with bloody
undefined:undefinedThis woman will follow him
undefined:undefinedWhat this woman map
undefined:undefinedMap is not the man for her
undefined:undefinedWind and rain on the shoulder it
undefined:undefinedIn addition to his gift of the gab Huang Gongzai
undefined:undefinedYou can give her what
undefined:undefinedYesterday in birch
undefined:undefinedYan hit from behind
undefined:undefinedIf it were not king laid down his life and bring up the rear brothers
undefined:undefinedHow could they get away easily Princess May
undefined:undefinedTiger ah
undefined:undefinedWe came to Yan many days
undefined:undefinedI do not know how there like a Bai Qi
undefined:undefinedSend someone to him there beating the news
undefined:undefinedanother one
undefined:undefinedThe line have talked for a long time
undefined:undefinedTake a break filled Tiandu Zi
undefined:undefinedI would have hungry
undefined:undefinedMother you eat
undefined:undefinedMother gave you hungry eat
undefined:undefinedDo not push comes to shove in the
undefined:undefinedFill the stomach better hurry
undefined:undefinedNot to say that the border is not far away from the do Qi
undefined:undefinedThis is not far away
undefined:undefinedMay we take the path
undefined:undefinedThis way you can see
undefined:undefinedWalked more difficult
undefined:undefinedAnd it pursuers
undefined:undefinedThey take the road
undefined:undefinedHorse ran a good lane
undefined:undefinedI guess the moment ah
undefined:undefinedIt has good ambush pursuers in the border
undefined:undefinedJust waiting for us to
undefined:undefinedQin did not find the fugitive's whereabouts
undefined:undefinedYesterday we had a team of people
undefined:undefinedThey met with birch
undefined:undefinedEven colluded with barbarian fugitives
undefined:undefinedVery fierce
undefined:undefinedWe also ate here a small loss
undefined:undefinedSo the task over to you
undefined:undefinedDo not let the country down with adults
undefined:undefinedPlease be assured Mrs.
undefined:undefinedTian generals over there
undefined:undefinedWe have already done the proper arrangements
undefined:undefinedTomorrow ensure that they have a escape
undefined:undefinedGo on
undefined:undefinedFew days after another Lawton
undefined:undefinedBritain almost scattered bones
undefined:undefinedFinally have the results tomorrow
undefined:undefinedLet's go in
undefined:undefinedAs a country with Mrs.
undefined:undefinedEven let me live so
