• 8 years ago
غُفرانَكَ اللهُمَّ جلَّ عُلاكَ
O Allah Your Pardon, Your Glory Almighty,
لُطْفاً بِعَبِدِكَ خالِقي رُحْمَاكَ
Send Your Kindness and mercy to Your servant my Creator
يا كاشِفَ البَلوى أتَيْتُكَ راجِيًا
You are the One who removes distress, I came to You full of Hope,
أرجو رِضاكَ فليسَ لي إلّاكَ
Asking for your acceptance, for I have no one but You.
إنْ كانَ حظّي في الحياةِ قَلِيلُها
Even if a little of fortune is written for me in this life
فالصّبِرُ يا مولايَ فيهِ رِضاكَ
In Patience My Lord I seek Your Pleasure
ماحيلَتي والعَجْزُ غايةُ قوتي
What Could I do, when helplessness is my utmost power
فإذا قضيتَ فمن يردُّ قَضاكَ
For what You have destined, who can obstruct ?
وَجّهْتُ وَجْهِي نحو بَيْتِك داعيا
I turned myself to Your Sacred House (Ka'aba) with prayers
يامَنْ تُجِيبُ العَبِْدَ إذ ناداكَ
For You respond to your servant when they call upon You.
بِكَ اسْتَجيرُ ومنْ يُجيرُ سِواكَ
I run to You for protection, for no one gives sanctuary but You
فارحَم ضَعِيفًا يَحتمي بِحِماكَ
My lord send Your mercy on the weak one, who only seeks Your shelter & protection
ياربِ قَدِ أَذنَبْتُ فاغَفِرْ زلّتي
Oh Allah, I sinned, please forgive my mishap.
انتَ المُجيبُ لِكُلِّ مَنْ نَاداكَ
You and only You Answers the one who calls upon You.


