• 8 years ago
North Korea's despot developed an addiction for Emmental cheese
and red wine while studying as a boy in Switzerland and continues
to get huge shipments sent to Pyongyang today.

The hermit state's leader grew so fond of his European treats it is believed
he developed GOUT, after he was captured on film limping and using a cane in 2014.

This was a major embarrassment for Kim Jong-un, who demands the
complete adoration of his brainwashed people and is held up as possessing
God-like invincibility.

Foreign experts believe the incident was concrete evidence of gout, a buildup in
uric acid in joints which can cause acute pain and discomfort while walking.
The disease can be treated with steroids, something observers now believe
explains his increasingly erratic and aggressive behaviour.

One doctor even said his medical status is a hot topic among the medical
community, with many coming to the conclusion Kim is suffering from “roid rage”.

Dr Rock Positano of the Hospital for Special Surgery said: “There’s widespread
speculation in the medical community that he has gout, and one of the treatments
for gout is steroids.

“This fellow could be manifesting roid rage.

“There are so many world leaders who have suffered over the centuries,
and it’s changed history.

“Who knows what’s making this guy tick?”

Kim has held several controversial missile launches and nuclear tests in
recent months and regularly threatens to reduce Japan to “ashes” and America to

The treatment of Kim’s cheese-induced gout with powerful steroids by inexperienced
North Korean doctors could explain the growing threat of World War 3.

It also highlights the jarring disconnect between Kim and his inner circle with the
majority of North Korea’s 25 million-strong population, many of whom live in
abject poverty.

Recent images showed North Korea’s elites chowing down on huge feasts,
while waitresses delivered huge jugs of beers at private bars in the capital of Pyongyang.

But a recent study by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation found
84 percent of homes suffer from “borderline poor or poor food consumption.”

The World Food Program said one-third of children suffer from stunted growth
due to malnutrition. Infant mortality rate is a shocking 33 percent.

The food supply is now so bad the country has been forced to introduce a
“two meals a day” policy - which have caused food riots in the poorest regions.


