Sleeping Beauty is a magical fairy tale for children read by Dan Snow ( for Story Time. When an evil fairy casts a wicked spell on the beautiful princess, it is up to a brave Prince to break the spell. Love this fairy tale? Subscribe to Toddler Fun Learning and Ladybird \r
Sleeping Beauty is available to buy on Amazon: \r
Watch next The Three Billy Goats Gruff \r
Story Time is adeveloped by Toddler Fun Learning and Ladybird books designed to encourage children of all ages to enjoy books, stories and reading. All children enjoy a great fairy tale or bedtime story so why not tune in every Tuesday at 12 midday GMT for more great stories! \r
Toddler Fun Learning makes fun, free and educational videos, stories, nursery rhymes and songs for toddlers all over the world. Like us on Facebook: and visit our website \r
Ladybird publishes great stories for every little bookworm, whatever their age or stage. Visit for free ivities for kids, and top tips for parents. Youll also find us over on:\r
Facebook: \r
Twitter: \r
Sleeping Beauty is available to buy on Amazon: \r
Watch next The Three Billy Goats Gruff \r
Story Time is adeveloped by Toddler Fun Learning and Ladybird books designed to encourage children of all ages to enjoy books, stories and reading. All children enjoy a great fairy tale or bedtime story so why not tune in every Tuesday at 12 midday GMT for more great stories! \r
Toddler Fun Learning makes fun, free and educational videos, stories, nursery rhymes and songs for toddlers all over the world. Like us on Facebook: and visit our website \r
Ladybird publishes great stories for every little bookworm, whatever their age or stage. Visit for free ivities for kids, and top tips for parents. Youll also find us over on:\r
Facebook: \r
Twitter: \r
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