Fresno Bulldogs - A Criminal Gangs of America

  • 7 years ago
The Fresno Bulldogs, or BDS for short also known by the abbreviations Perros Chatos, F-14 FBD, 624 and BDS, are a primarily Mexican American criminal street gang located in Fresno, California. They are considered to be one of the biggest drug gangs in Central California with membership estimated to be around 6,000 in the city of Fresno. They are engaged in a wide range of criminal activity and have been subject to many high-profile cases over the years. They wear mostly red but do not align themselves with Norteños, one of their biggest rival gangs in America.
Their main revenue is from the street level distribution of marijuana, heroin and methamphetamine The Fresno Police Department and the Fresno County Sheriff's Department have tried various different crackdowns on Bulldog gang activity. In November 2006, Operation Bulldogs was launched to wipe out the Bulldog street gang. The operation has led to thousands of arrests, but the independent nature of the gang has complicated police efforts to contain crimes attributed to gang members. The Fresno Police Departments efforts have led to 2,422 felony arrests of Bulldog gang members and associates. However, even with increased gang suppression tactics the Bulldog gang continues to exert its influence on the community. Bulldogs gang members sometimes fight each other because of affiliation with a rival Bulldog gang set.


