Emotional reunion of an Indian mother with her Sudanian son after 17 years!

  • 7 years ago
It was an emotional reunion for 21-year-old Hani Nader Mergani Ali, who met his Indian mother Noorjahan today after 17 years at Sharjah airport.
00:00Finally, that mother and her son united.
00:0216 years ago, Noorjahan lost her 4 year old son at Narikkuni, near Kozhikode, Kerala, India. She reached Sharjah International Airport to meet her son.
00:08It was his father who took him and fled to Sudan at the age of 4. Hani escaped from his abusive father and reached UAE in search of his sister.
00:21Upon reaching Sharjah airport, Noorjahan's eyes were eagerly searching for her son amongst the crowd.
00:28Hani ran and hugged his mother Noorjahan..!
00:31A reunion after 16 years turned emotional!!
00:37"never expected to see you" sobbing mother Noorjahan
00:57When reporters asked Noorjahan if her son lost at the age of 4 got any changes
01:22"I hought he killed my kid"
01:26"he was so cruel to me"
