20 Worst Parking Fails

  • 7 лет назад
From Snow Parking Zone to Four Space Truck Parking here are 20 Worst Parking Fails. Tag a friend who is a a bad driver!\r
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10 Four Space Truck Parking\r
People love to drive their huge trucks around, and thats all well and good, but some people like to abuse the size of their vehicle. Like this guy, driving a huge Ford truck who decided that he could park across four spots at the same time. \r
9 Mass Parking Fail\r
We really dont know what was going through these peoples minds when they parked like this since eight people seemed to all park in the wrong spots on the same day. Maybe there was a mass hallucination where everyone thought they were doing something right? Or it could have been a domino effect stemming from just one persons mistake. Is it really so hard to park inside the lines?\r
8 Fire Parking\r
Do you ever wonder what would really happen if you parked near a red curb? Well, besides, getting a parking ticket you risk a firefighter threading a firehose through your car like a thread with a needle. They will punch your windows in to get the job done if theres a fire nearby. Think about that the next time youre tempted to take that red parking spot. \r
7 Fancy Parking \r
Just because you drive a fancy luxury car doesnt mean you can do whatever you want! Thats what this image proves. One driver tried to take up two different spots, and an off-roader was not having any of that entitlement. I guess if one car can take up two parking spaces than I can drive onto the sidewalk. \r
6 Best Parallel Parking Award\r
This red car did a pretty terrible job at parallel parking, and that much is obvious to anyone with eyes. Thats what makes this extra funny. Someone ually left them a little note, a reward for the best parking job ever. The funniest part of this might be the f that someone went out of their way to take a picture, photoshop a reward onto it and print it out just for the sake of being passive aggressive.\r
5 Parking Garage Mishap\r
When you have an entire multiple story building dedicated to parking for cars, theres bound to be some mishaps. Most of the time these car-related incidents are forgetting what floor you parked on or accidentally driving into another car navigating the garage rather than driving straight through the wall. \r
4 Garbage Parking\r
Some people are truly trash when it comes to their parking ability. This driver tried to create a parking spot where there wasnt one and thought they could get away with it. However, someone who was feeling strict about their parking rules wanted to make sure the driver got the hint. Whats a bigger hint that two huge dumpsters that have “No Parking” sprayed on them in huge letters?\r
3 Comp Car Only\r
There is obvious signage here that says this parking spot is only for comp cars that use alternative fuel. They were probably thinking of reserving this spot for small electric cars that dont take up a bunch of space. So why did this huge red truck park here? Some people just want to watch the world burn. \r
2 Delivery at the Door\r
FedEx prides themselves on quick and painless deliveries with some of the most efficient delivery fleets out there. Well sometimes, it seems like they move a little too fast. Take this, for example, a FedEx driver who drove just a little too fast for his own good and ended up parking right in a customers living room. Lets just hope they at least got the package they were waiting for. \r
1 Snow Parking Zone\r
There was no parking available in this spot either because of the snow or because theres never parking in this spot. But hey, if you believe in yourself you can turn any space into a parking space. Even if it means youre car is at a 75-degree angle when its supposed to be parallel to the ground.