May holds Brexit talks with Swiss president as Cabinet battle rages over 'EEA-lite' option

  • 7 years ago
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May holds Brexit talks with Swiss president as Cabinet battle rages over 'EEA-lite' option
THERESA May yesterday held private talks with the president of Switzerland in New York as a battle raged at home within her Cabinet over adopting a Brexit modelled on that country’s relations with the EU. Officials later played down the row, insisting Mr Johnson is fully behind the prime minister’s Brexit plans after it emerged that he was isolated in his opposition to transitional contributions. Today it emerged that the PM is apparently set to offer Brussels £18 billion, which would cover Britain’s pledged contributions until 2020, when she takes to the floor in Italy on Friday.  The EU’s spending plans are organised in seven year blocs, known as Multi-Annual Financial Frameworks (MFF), meaning expected cash from UK membership fees has already been allocated for future programmes. Securing a commitment from Britain that it will honour this spending has been a key aim of EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier and the Member States, who have been infuriated by the UK’s initial reluctance to engage. On top of that £18 billion, which falls significantly short of the total bill of up to £90 billion being demanded by the EU, Mrs May could indicate Britain will pay budget contributions for a three-year transition. Against that backdrop her meeting with the Swiss president, whose country has access to the bloc’s Single Market through a complex web of sector by sector free trade agreements, will be viewed with intrigue. 

In a readout of the bilateral talks, the Swiss Government said: “The focus of discussions during her meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May was on relations between Switzerland and the UK against the backdrop of the UK’s departure from the EU. “Informal work on implementing Switzerland’s ‘Mind the gap’ strategy is progressing. The Federal Council’s strategy aims to safeguard and possibly extend the existing mutual rights and obligations between the two countries beyond Brexit.“Talks between Switzerland and the UK on a future bilateral legal framework will continue intensively over the coming months, as Ms Leuthard and the British prime minister jointly explained on Tuesday.” Switzerland is a major trading partner with Britain, with official figures showing the country exported £9 billion of products to the UK and imported £5 billion from it in 2015. Currently, many of the relations between the pair are conducted within the EU legal framework but this will end when Britain leaves in 2019.  The non-EU countries is also part of the European Free Trade Association (Efta), though unlike the club’s other three members it does not access the Single Market through the European Economic Area (EEA) and does not use the Efta court for oversight. Some Brexiteers in the UK have looked keenly at the Swiss model of cooperation as an example of how Britain could seek to continue close ties with the EU after Brexit. However, Brussels itself is dissatisfied with the arrangement, which is complex and free from the oversight of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and is making noises about renegotiating the treaties involved. Brexit secretary David Davis has previously ruled out British membership of Efta, saying that it would complicate matters and not save much time, but many UK politicians favouring a ‘soft’ exit from the EU are still championing it as the best way of preserving Single Market access. . 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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