UK set for sunny weekend with best weather so far for September forecast

  • 7 years ago
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UK set for sunny weekend with best weather so far for September forecast
THE weekend will get off to a bright and dry start as what was a rainy week for many comes to end, according to forecasters. There will be a clear start to Friday after a chilly morning carried over from falling temperatures on Thursday night.There will be mist and fog to contend with for those setting out early but that will burn off as the morning continues.Things will heat up as the day goes on with and the sun makes its presence felt.

After starting out in single figures with temperatures of 8 and 9C it will be feeling warmer by the afternoon with 20C possible in southern parts of the UKMr Deakin said: “This weekend is dominated by low pressure to the west of the UK and a big area of high pressure to the east of the UK. Both big pressure systems will be having a real ding-dong scrap and it is difficult to say which one will win out. “But as we are stuck right between the two it does mean we will draw up some warm wind from the south.“The south east will see the best of the weather, while Wales will see rain creeping in through the afternoon.As the rain that was bothering Scotland in the morning moves east it will leave Northern Ireland dry and clear this afternoon. However, Wales, northeast England and Scotland will be contending with downpours through rush-hour and beyond.Saturday will bring better fortunes for those in the west of the UK as a cloudy gives way to sunny spells and warm weather, though heavy winds are forecast for the northwest of England. The weather will remain hazy for most of the day but temperatures will hover around 20C for many of us, possibly getting warmer during sunny spells.Sunday brings uncertainty with the strong possibility of rain, again, with the west being the worst hit.However warm air from the south will continue with temperatures in some cities holding above 20C through the day.. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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