To beard or not to beard? That is the question.. When two identical doodles fight to get the most facial hairs. Does a beard really make a guy stronger?
Pencilmate discovers a he just needs to figure out how to open the chest! Previous Episode ▻ Watch more .
To Beard or Not to Beard | Pencilmation Cartoon #5 To Beard or Not to Beard | Pencilmation Cartoon #5 Click here to subscribe channel .
Pencilmate goes for a wild ride! ---Credits--- 0:00 - Cartastrophe! (Pencilmation #88) Directed by Ross Bollinger Animated by Devon Kong & Rachel Tan .
Pencilmate discovers a he just needs to figure out how to open the chest! Previous Episode ▻ Watch more .
To Beard or Not to Beard | Pencilmation Cartoon #5 To Beard or Not to Beard | Pencilmation Cartoon #5 Click here to subscribe channel .
Pencilmate goes for a wild ride! ---Credits--- 0:00 - Cartastrophe! (Pencilmation #88) Directed by Ross Bollinger Animated by Devon Kong & Rachel Tan .
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