7 Year Old Boy Calls 911 Saves Family From Attackers - AOL News

  • 7 лет назад
NORWALK, Calif. (March 10) -- A quick-witted 7-old-boy thwarted an armed home invasion robbery when he locked himself in a bathroom with his little sister and called 911. \r
The boy, identified only as Carlos, detailed his harrowing ordeal to news reporters this afternoon and hugged the dispatcher who was on the other end of the phone line as he begged for help from police.\r
They were next to the door with my mom and dad, and my mom [and dad] were putting their hands up and their heads down, Carlos said of the two men who burst into his home with guns Tuesday morning.\r
Then the gunmen broke down the door to the bathroom where the children were hiding and grabbed the phone from Carlos. Screams can be heard on a 911 tape as the suspects asked the boy who he had been calling. 911, Carlos calmly answered. The men fled before deputies arrived.\r
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