Gloating EU officials 'DICTATED' Theresa May’s Brexit speech pledge on divorce bill

  • 7 years ago
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Gloating EU officials 'DICTATED' Theresa May’s Brexit speech pledge on divorce bill
THE DIVORCE bill section of Theresa May’s Brexit speech in Florence was “dictated” by the European Commission, an EU official has claimed. The Prime Minister’s keynote speech, where she agreed to a €20billion (£17.5billion) transition period, was reportedly run past EU leaders before being announced.In the address, Mrs May sought to outline a plan for the UK’s relationship with the EU after Brexit to break negotiations deadlock.Specific wordings on the UK’s pledge to “honour commitments” was made after consultations with EU officials and leaders in other European powers. A senior EU official told The Telegraph: “The Commission pretty much dictated the section on the financial settlement. The wording was exactly as the Commission wanted in order to convince member states the UK was serious about breaking the deadlock.”The address, apparently written in part by the EU Commission, dedicated the UK to a two-year transition period with the UK continuing our current €10billion-a-year (£8.76billion) contribution to Brussels coffers. A second EU official insisted days before the speech that only a pledge to “honour commitments we have made during the period of our membership” would suffice.Exactly the same language was used three days later as Theresa May laid out the UK’s Brexit position.Brussels eurocrats were said to be congratulating themselves over headlines putting the divorce bill at €20billion (£17.5billion) with them hoping Britain’s electorate would not realise it could be closer to double. The commitments made in the speech could lead to demands for the Brexit bill to include EU pensions, loan guarantees and development projects putting it at around €40billion (£35billion).The speech, which was allegedly approved by the EU before it was even presented to the Cabinet, was met with praise from Eurocrat Donald Tusk.The European Council President said outside Downing Street: “I feel cautiously optimistic about the constructive and more realistic tone of the prime minister’s speech in Florence and our discussion today. “This shows that the philosophy of having cake and eating it is finally coming to an end. At least I hope so.”EU officials had reportedly feared that Boris Johnson’s Brexit intervention would lead a weakening of the of pledges to “honour commitments” and guarantee that EU members “will need to pay more or receive less”. Though a Government source did not deny discussion with EU officials before the speech they claim it stopped short of “dictation”.The source told The Telegraph: “This is nonsense. The idea the UK was told what to say before the speech or shared the text of it before it was delivered, is completely wrong. “We know what the various demands are, but the PM's speech set out a fair way to provide certainty for member states and their budgets.”. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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