好用?生命之妝 2合1粉底液 唇釉當眼線畫 Use Labial Gloss draw eyeliner ?♡ SYLVIA ​​EASTER

  • 7 years ago
【✯✯✯必讀 - Please Read✯✯✯】\r
MAKEUP FOR LIFE 生命之妝 賣家 Seller Wechat ID:Vivian_weiwen99 (全球招商招代理)\r
我看過有人宣傳這個粉底,終於可以試用給大家看。我在影片裡頭,我用兩個不同粉底液顏色分開來用(當作修容用,打造立體感)在這裡要和大家說一下,如果你想要mix起來1 號粉底液+2號粉底液用也可以~ 如果你的皮膚很白就把1號倒多一點,如果你的皮膚偏黃/暗沉就把2號倒多一點~ 然後耐心地攪拌,就可以開始塗抹在整個臉上~ 以你的皮色來打造出來♡ 加油\r
7/10 更新: 這個粉底液還蠻強的 0.o 不錯用,就算塗到很薄的粉底,也可以照樣漂亮很美的皮色!強力推薦!\r
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背心是在新加坡BEBE店面买到的,钻石是Swarovski (♡。♡)\r
教你如何看youtube又可以省quota/data internet: \r
Show you how to watch Youtube and save more quota/data internet:\r
我的白色酒店床單,背景裝飾燈,和小台灯可以和YuMis House 淘寶代購的: \r
I get my decoration lights and small table lamp at my background in this video. They are from Taobao, you can get them by Taobao agent here::\r
我的頭髮很順,很滑 ~ 是因為我用蝸牛原液修復發膜。有興趣可以向她買。 Wehchat:R_chyi0916\r
My hair is soft and smooth ~ because I use Difo Sweet Atmosphere Hair Conditioner. If interested, please go order from her Wehchat:R_chyi0916\r
♡Carefree Melody by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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♡Merry Go Slower by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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♡Chee Zee Beach - Latinesque by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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♡Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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♡Happy Alley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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♡Cumbia No Frills Faster by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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關注我 - Stay connect with me:\r
Instagram: @sylviaeaster\r
FACEBOOK: Sylvia Easter Makeup\r
Blog: \r
Twitter: @Sylvia_Easter\r
生意/合作/代言洽詢 - For Business:\r
Mail: yingyingluv4@gmail.com\r
wechat: sylviaeaster\r
歡迎回來看我的Youtube ♥ 我是名字叫Sylvia。我是混血兒,爸爸是華人,媽媽是沙巴原住民卡達山人。 1987出生,白羊座,出生在山打根,在斗亞蘭長大,現在住在沙巴,亞庇,馬來西亞。我很喜歡化妝,希望通過Youtube能夠和你們分享我的興趣。我做很多種影片,比如: 妝容教學,明星仿妝,DIY,旅遊,產品介紹,和我聊天,開箱等等。謝謝支持,我會做更多影片 :)\r
Welcome back to my Youtube Channel. My name is Sylvia. Im mixed, my dad is chinese and my mum is kadazan. I born in Sandakan, which is 1987. I grow up in Tuaran Town, and currently I live in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. I love makeup and I hope I teach inspire you all by videos, such like : Makeup tutorial, celebrity makeup inspired, Beauty DIY and hacks, travel, review products and etc. Thanks for the support. I will make more useful video :)\r
Thank you
