• 8 years ago
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---- YDK Destiny Hero (Fusion / Synchro / XYZ)----:\r
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Decks Actualizados:\r
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Parte 1: \r
Parte 2:\r
Parte 3:\r
Parte 4:\r
Parte 5:\r
Para descargar Deck e imagenes en los siguientes links:\r
(Deck and images for download at the following links)\r
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Sonidos(Sound) ygopro:\r
Textures ygopro:\r
Destiny Hero (Fusion / Synchro / XYZ) Deck List:\r
Monsters (18):\r
Destiny HERO - Malicious x3\r
Destiny HERO - Celestial x2\r
Destiny HERO - Drillguy\r
Destiny HERO - Decisionguy\r
Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude x2\r
Armageddon Knight\r
Elemental HERO Blazeman\r
Elemental HERO Shadow Mist x2\r
Elemental HERO Bubbleman\r
Red Resonator x3\r
Plaguespreader Zombie x2\r
Spell Cards (16):\r
Instant Fusion\r
A Hero Lives x2\r
Resonator Call x2\r
Reinforcement of the Army\r
Destiny Draw x2\r
Soul Charge\r
Foolish Burial\r
Mask Change x2\r
Twin Twister \r
Pot of Acquisitiveness\r
Trap Cards (5):\r
Bottomless Trap Hole\r
Floodgate Trap Hole\r
Solemn Strike x2\r
Solemn Warning\r
Extra Deck (15):\r
Destiny HERO - Dystopiaguy\r
Masked HERO Acid\r
Masked HERO Dark Law x2\r
Destiny HERO - Deadlyguy\r
Elder Entity Norden\r
Ultimaya Tzolkin\r
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons\r
Void Ogre Dragon\r
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon\r
Coral Dragon x2\r
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal\r
Castel,the Skyblaster Musketeer\r
Traptrix Rafflesia\r
Destiny Hero\r
Deck Destiny Hero\r
Deck Profile Destiny Hero\r
Deck Hero\r
Deck Hero 2016\r
Hero Yugioh\r
Destiny Hero Ygopro\r
Destiny Hero Devpro\r
Destiny Hero TCG Deck Profile\r
Deck Destiny Hero 2016\r
Destiny Hero Deck 2016\r
Destiny Hero TCG Decklist\r
Destiny Hero Ygopro Duels\r
Destiny Hero Devpro Duels\r


