• 8 年前
10 of the most hilarious final fantasy funny moments. Picks from FF5, FF12, Type-0, FF10-2, FF13-2, FF8, FF6, FF7, FF14 and FF9.\r
It was a killer to choose out of the many many lolsy custcenes but it had to be these. All credit to square enix and the clips borrowed from fellow FF uploaders :)\r
10: Faris the y tarp (Tule) FFV\r
9: Damn it Vaan (Eruyt village) FFXII\r
8: Cinque goes full savage (Academia) Type-0\r
7: Rikku is the guilty one (Miihen Highroad) FFX-2\r
6: Serah reprimands minifan (Sunleth waterscape) FFXİ-2\r
5: Zells hotdogs (Balamb garden) FFVİ\r
4: Mr. Thou (Veldt plains) FFVI\r
3: Walk nicely Cloud (Midgar wallmarket) FFVII\r
2: Hildibrand explodes into ion (Costa del sol) FFXIV\r
1: ????


