Woman awarded $6.7 million after police broke her leg

  • há 7 anos
A woman has been awarded a multi-million dollar payout after her leg was broken when police officers stormed into her home to arrest her daughter without a warrant.

Danielle Burfine was injured when she fell to the floor as she tried to prevent officers getting into her home on April 12, 2016.

They were attempting to arrest her teenage daughter on suspicion of arson , a crime for which she was later convicted.

According to the Mercury News , the city of Santa Clara in the US agreed a $6.7 million pay out for the injury, which her attorney said led to her developing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, which is likely to be permanently disabling.

Ms Burfine, who was called Ms Harmon when the lawsuit was filed, can be seen trying to keep the officers out of her home during the incident in Santa Clara.

Police bodycam footage was released after the settlement was made and shows Ms Burfine refusing to let the officers into her home, because they do not have a warrant.

The officers force their way into the home, and in the scuffle, she falls to the floor. There is disagreement over whether she fell or was pushed.

She screams: "My ankle is broken. Sir, my ankle is broken, please."

Despite the video release, the police department insists it did not use excessive force.

Santa Clara Chief Michael Sellers defended the actions of the officers.

He said: "If this case were brought to court, we would have provided evidence and testimony demonstrating that our officers’ actions were fully within the law and in accordance with accepted police practices.

"It’s disappointing to not have that opportunity. I fully support the police officers who acted in good faith to arrest this arsonist wanted on felony charges."

Ms Burfine's attorney, Michael Haddad, argued that the officers used terminology in arresting her that usually refers to witnessing a crime and arresting on the spot.

But the fire she was eventually convicted for had taken place a week before

He said the officers were "clearly in a zone where a warrant was required".

No police officers were reprimanded by the city.