Chinese military NASTY SURPRISE for INDIAN Army

  • il y a 7 ans
The Chinese Economy has been growing very rapidly over the past few decades and can only sustain so much more population and economic growth. The incredible way in which the Chinese economy came to be did not come free, however. The people of China are plagued with a horrendous amount of toxins and smog from their ive fories. Daily, in cities like Beijing, the weather reports include smog warnings, and depending on the day, citizens may need to wear gas masks to avoid carcinogens and toxins from the air. The upper class and the privileged in China have air filters, but the poor and middle class who cant afford them are the ones who suffer. So, unless the Chinese government fixes this problem quickly, the people of China will revolt because of the pollution or their lack of civil liberties, whichever comes first. The proletariat, those who are affected by the pollution, are a dangerous group, especially in a communist nation. China cannot sustain this growth for too much longer unless things are changed.


