Cam Newton Says Sorry For ‘Female Talk About Routes’ Comment

  • 7 years ago
Football star Cameron Newton, 28, has finally issued a public apology after receiving aggressive backlash for his degrading comment against a female reporter.
The NFL quarterback – who has two young daughters – claimed in his video apology that he believes in respecting women and did not mean for his comment to be harmful or offensive. “After careful thought, I understand that my word choice was extremely degrading and disrespectful to women,” he said on Twitter. “To be honest, that was not my intentions, [sic] and if you are a person who took offense to what I said, I sincerely apologize to you. I’m a man who tries to be a positive role model in my community and tries to use my platform to inspire others.” Continued the now controversial athlete: “I realize that the joke is really on me… I’ve learned a valuable lesson from this, and to the young people who see this, I hope that you learn something from this as well. Don’t be like me, be better than me.”
Newton’s apology comes two days after he managed to offend female sport reporter Jourdan Rodrigue (and the entire Internet) during a post-game interview. The journalist asked the quarterback a question about the routes being run by Panthers wideout, Devin Funchess, to which he answered: “It’s funny to hear a female talk about routes… it’s funny.”
Rodrigue later took to Twitter to say she felt “belittled” by the football player’s answer, and that he never apologized to her for his insensitive words. NFL also issued a statement, apologizing for Newton’s actions and saying he felt deep remorse. They also assured that his comments did not reflect the ideals of the league.
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