PG | 1h 24min | Horror, Drama | 23 August 1972 (USA)
Somewhere in upstate New York, a young woman is terrorized by a group of rural farmers primarily interested in a harvest of blood.
Director: Ed Adlum
Writers: Ed Adlum, Ed Kelleher
Stars: Norman Kelley, Tanna Hunter, Bruce Detrick
We have over 15,000 titles available for licensing to VOD platforms. Contact:
Somewhere in upstate New York, a young woman is terrorized by a group of rural farmers primarily interested in a harvest of blood.
Director: Ed Adlum
Writers: Ed Adlum, Ed Kelleher
Stars: Norman Kelley, Tanna Hunter, Bruce Detrick
We have over 15,000 titles available for licensing to VOD platforms. Contact:
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00Claimed by Caesar, they took to caves, and fifty years after the death of Christ, they disappeared from the face of the earth.
00:00:07They were the Druids, the secret people, the sanguine blood-eaters.
00:00:12Midnight was their sacred hour, and blood-sacrifice under the full moon their religion.
00:00:17Today, when the moon is full, and the wind moans through the rocks and caves in remote corners of the world,
00:00:24people say the sanguine Druids are worshipping again, and preparing a new blood-sacrifice.
00:02:16♪ I left my home and my place...
00:02:17Good luck, Cliff.
00:02:20Any news of Helen?
00:02:22Not a word.
00:02:24It's been more than a week now.
00:02:26Try two weeks.
00:02:28Well, let's hope for the best. I'm sure you'll hear something soon.
00:02:33Artie, I don't know where Helen is, and frankly, I'm not sure I care.
00:02:38Oh, come on.
00:02:42Good night.
00:02:44Good night, Cliff.
00:02:50Looks like Cliff's ready for a breakdown.
00:02:55Shorty, can't you get a lead on where his old lady is?
00:02:57Look, I'm just a deputy.
00:02:59When Chief Spano gets back from Capital City, we'll get started on her.
00:03:02I'm just trying to keep the peace.
00:03:05You've been keeping this bar peaceful since the Chief left.
00:03:08Say, maybe she ran off with old Steve Whitaker.
00:03:11Hey, where is old Steve, anyway?
00:03:15Hey, where is old Steve, anyway?
00:03:17I haven't seen him in, uh...
00:03:19It must be a few weeks now.
00:03:21He's a weird old bird, and his wife's crazier than he is.
00:03:24What are you guys trying to do, make work for me?
00:03:26Sorry, Shorty, we didn't mean to interrupt your drinking.
00:03:29The guy I miss is old Jim Carrey.
00:03:31He hasn't been in for a week now.
00:03:33Well, another week without this sponge and you'll be going out of business.
00:03:46Hey, Artie, speak of the devil.
00:03:48Here comes your best customer now, and boy, is he loaded.
00:03:51Jim, you're kidding.
00:03:54Somebody help that man in here.
00:03:56Sounds like he needs a drink.
00:04:35Aren't you glad we came out here?
00:04:39Even if your mind's back in the laboratory?
00:04:41What are you talking about?
00:04:43You know, this is the first time I've come out like this
00:04:46since I've been back from school.
00:04:48Oh, it hasn't been that long, has it?
00:04:50You know it has, Don.
00:04:52You've been cooped up with my father in that lab of his for the past two weeks.
00:04:56You know, I've learned more in the last year with your father
00:04:59than in four years at the university.
00:05:02You know, there are some things Daddy can't teach you.
00:05:05How are you gonna learn them?
00:05:07Oh, well, start in at the bottom.
00:05:10Yes, and then what?
00:05:12I'll work my way up.
00:07:40Either you're getting faster or I am slowing down
00:07:45Pretty soon, you'll be just another front wheel left. Thank you. Thanks daddy
00:07:54You felt quite attached to daddy haven't you I knew you would
00:07:59You're quite a bit like him
00:08:01You're just a pushover for pathologist. I guess that's it
00:08:05You know for a while Jenny
00:08:06I wasn't sure you were happy with the idea of my going into this field, but I made the decision and you've been great
00:08:14You know, of course, there's not a whole lot of money in pathology. Oh, I don't know daddy did art for me mom
00:08:20He's been even more wonderful since she died
00:08:23Sure, but he's one of the best. I
00:08:27Think you're one of the best
00:08:30Don what are we gonna make our announcement? Hmm our announcement was they taking that proposal of yours to literally what?
00:08:39No, Jimmy, you know, we're gonna get married soon
00:08:42The very thought of it makes you instantly grim, doesn't it? It's not that I said earlier today
00:08:49You've been acting like everything is all right, but you've been faking and I can tell what is it
00:08:55It's just that I can't get the picture of that old man out of my mind mr. Kerry
00:09:01Shorty called up here for your father, but he was out in one of his walks. So I figured I'd better go down there myself
00:09:05You wouldn't believe what?
00:09:09Old Jimmy looked like he blew up. I don't know any other way to describe it
00:09:18I don't think this had anything to do with alcohol. Frankly. It's got us all puzzled. I
00:09:23Took a sample of his blood shorty. Let me do it and your father is examining it
00:09:28I don't know what we're gonna find. I just wish chief Spano were here
00:09:38They say nothing ever happens in Jefferson Valley
00:09:42But it seems in the last few weeks. There's been more to talk about and I remember since I was a kid
00:09:49Cliff strums wife disappearing
00:09:52People are curious why the Whitaker's never come into town
00:09:54I know they keep pretty much to themselves, but still it's Sally Whitaker used to come by every Monday
00:10:01Give me some hints. I'm good down home cooking
00:10:05Just was something wrong with the Whitaker's
00:10:08Maybe we should maybe should go up there. I
00:10:11Wouldn't bother they're getting old now and besides nobody could actually ever call them sociable
00:10:20Where have you two been? Never mind. Come down to the lab. You won't believe what's happening
00:10:33That sample of Carrie's blood it's undergone the most incredible transformation
00:10:39It continues to remain in an unstable state and has been reproducing at a rate unlike any I've seen in 40 years of study
00:10:48You know, it does look like a little more than what I brought in last night take the cover off that beaker
00:10:59There is the sample
00:11:02Then what is this
00:11:04The merest fragment of what was left in the original test tube after I emptied it into the beaker that too has been reproducing
00:11:13But what you're saying isn't possible I couldn't agree with you more but there's the proof right before your eyes
00:11:21It does give us a strong indication of what caused Carrie's death but for the life of me
00:11:26I can't imagine what he could have been exposed to that could create such a
00:11:31Unnatural condition what you're saying is that his hemostatic balance was so disturbed that that he blew himself to pieces
00:11:38Obviously, there is some outside agent, which has acted upon his blood cells
00:11:45accelerating their standard growth pattern up into a
00:11:48wild rate I
00:11:51Don't like the looks of this
00:11:54This will either be a major milestone in pathology or a major disaster to mankind
00:12:01Dawn, let's work all night if we have to until we nail this thing down
00:12:05All right, I'm with you
00:12:29That's what the hell are you doing?
00:12:32That's what the hell are you doing trying to put a hole in the floor
00:12:38This bloodstain the bigger it gets
00:12:42That's all the alcohol in Jimmy's system finally getting out
00:12:46That's not funny. The man is dead. You shouldn't talk like that
00:12:52But I tell you there's something funny about this blood
00:12:57I'm not kidding
00:12:59Ever since I saw that bright light out by Whitaker's there's been a lot of monkey business going on in this
00:13:09all I know is what I saw and I heard this crazy noise and
00:13:16That's when I saw them must have been demons from hell
00:13:22All kind of floating through the mist shooting fire in the air
00:13:28And I'll bet you saw old Whittaker sitting at the controls of the spaceship with earphones on his head
00:13:37If I could have had a camera I could have had a picture
00:13:43And I bet I could get a million dollars for that picture
00:13:56Wasn't so busy running the town I dropped by Willowbrook Road myself and see Roy personally
00:14:01Now that would be something Roy Anderson a top scientist in conference with shorty cult
00:14:07Jefferson Valley's leading criminologist you fellas. All right
00:14:11Would you direct us to Willowbrook Road?
00:14:15Already have to see somebody up there
00:14:18We have pressing business with one of the residents there
00:14:30Willowbrook Road, yeah, you can walk there from here if you're not loaded like
00:14:37Springbrook Road to the end then bail left on Willow pond drive ponds only about a thousand feet from there
00:14:43Which house was it that you wanted? Thank you. We'll find it
00:14:48Your directions will be most satisfactory
00:15:00Our mission takes me to Willowbrook Road
00:15:03You will report my movements to Cretan
00:15:06If they're on to something
00:15:08Cretan must be advised
00:15:20Isn't it at this rate of growth but within a week the lab will be flooded with with human blood
00:15:37Can't help thinking we should report this to the state authorities. I don't like it either
00:15:42But remember our experiments what we have in these beacons
00:15:46May provide a valuable clue to an eventual cure for that plasma disorder
00:15:52Um, we may be on the brink of a great discovery
00:15:59There's some mighty unusual circumstances to Jim's death
00:16:03Nobody up to now has used the word murder
00:16:05It's a mighty unusual circumstances to Jim's death
00:16:09Nobody up to now has used the word murder
00:16:12And I don't necessarily mean murder in the natural sense
00:16:16There's something about this that
00:16:19seems almost
00:17:39No, hey, what are you doing? It's cold out here
00:17:43Buster's run off
00:17:45Nonsense, he's probably just chasing some wild animal. He'll be back
00:17:50Don, I was having the strangest dream. It was about Steve and Sally Whitaker. I
00:17:56Can't really remember what was happening to them, but it seems they were calling out for my help
00:18:01You've been listening to the town gossip again, but everybody knows they keep to themselves
00:18:07But with Helen straw missing they're throwing in the Whitakers for good measure
00:18:12Why don't you take a walk over there sometime? You're right. I should pay her a visit
00:18:18Besides, I'm way overdue. I'm bringing her cookbook back
00:18:21And you're way overdue for bed
00:19:00He's gone daddy, I think this breakfast over an hour ago, it's still sitting there
00:19:07And you know, he always eats breakfast
00:19:10He'll come home when he's hungry. Some of my students are the same way
00:19:17Oh, yeah, maybe someone's found him
00:19:20Oh, yeah, maybe someone's found him
00:19:28You morning Jenny is that coffee I smell what oh, yes
00:19:44Good morning, Don. Good morning. My you're up early
00:19:49Well, oh
00:19:52Don, I'm sorry. Okay. I'll get you a cup. She's very upset. It's all my
00:19:58Buster, you know, they're bloodstains down by the brook looks to me like there was some kind of struggle there last night probably woodchucks
00:20:07Is that all you're having for breakfast Oh
00:20:10Don, can I get you eggs and bacon?
00:20:13That sounds good. Now listen after breakfast
00:20:17Why don't we jump in my car and drive through town and maybe we can find Buster
00:20:25Scramble like you
00:20:27See that we're not married yet. And already she's treating me like a husband
00:21:04Whoever did this I'll kill him take care of her Roy
00:21:58That dog meant the world to Jenny
00:22:02How'd she take it Roy?
00:22:04Strange, but I think she kind of expected it
00:22:07Does she know? Oh, how can you tell a girl that a dog is not only dead but that some fiend?
00:22:15Some thing has drained every corpuscle of blood from its body
00:22:20Not quite. We got enough for a slide
00:22:24Have you analyzed it yet?
00:22:26It's another case of marked accelerated progeneration like Jim Carrey
00:22:35There is absolutely no foundation in clinical pathology for this phenomenon
00:22:41Nothing on earth could possibly promote the cellular growth that we've seen in this laboratory
00:22:48I'm afraid we're dealing with a force. We know nothing about
00:23:10You're supposed to carry me over the threshold
00:23:46Have a TV here. I told you this was a first-class motel
00:23:57I'm getting a little tired out
00:24:00Would you like to get ready for bed
00:24:03Don't you want to watch the way children?
00:24:07Milton we just got married
00:24:10We don't have to watch the late show anymore
00:24:14I'll be right back
00:25:18Are you finished in there?
00:25:21Don't be too long. Don't you wouldn't want someone to come through the window and carry me off. Would you?
00:25:28I'm just gonna take a quick shower
00:25:31Okay, I'll be right back
00:26:51Do you need any help in there I get great back rub
00:28:17Wish to God I knew why would somebody be trying to scare us like that?
00:28:22I put in a call at Chief Spano and the phone lines to Capital City are down. They got hit pretty hard by that storm
00:28:39You'll believe what's happening
00:30:28To one third a done
00:30:30daughter of Fillion
00:30:32child of dawn
00:30:35trashy of name it
00:30:37Queen of the sangroi
00:30:40Your feast of men and ungrows near and still we your servants have not your blood host
00:30:47Be patient a bit longer my queen on audit
00:30:51This time we shall be ready when your hour is at hand
00:30:59Egan is brought to more
00:31:03Pray forgive us but not the host we seek
00:31:08This is but from one we're not to capture
00:31:14Agon is processing the man
00:31:17It's badly beaten and could not survive the reproductive effects of the men and cup. I
00:31:24Sometimes feel the guns methods are rather excessive
00:31:28Perhaps but his zeal knows no bounds
00:31:32And the woman processed as soon as the man is finished
00:32:19Only a few precious days remain until the feast
00:32:22Twice before we have failed to provide our queen with a suitable host
00:32:27Should we fail again the prince of darkness may take her and with her goes our own life force
00:32:35She is the last queen of the sangroi and
00:32:38With her as she passes into the underworld if it happens
00:32:43Goes our own glorious race
00:32:49Surely you can save us
00:32:51return I must confess I
00:32:54Enjoyed my years in this land. I
00:32:57work my friends
00:33:00It was as if I were one of them
00:33:04No one knew the truth save for those whom I took for food
00:33:09but when I felt my own life force ebbing I
00:33:14Knew you and the others had not found the host for honor it
00:33:19And you finally came to this place. My heart wept bitterly
00:33:24But my lord Druid I
00:33:27Know my duty
00:33:29Do not fear
00:33:31The Dana will live
00:33:34And the sangroi will be eternal
00:33:40Even if the prince of darkness spurned the darkness one more time
00:33:44We cannot continue to exist here on the poor blood these people offer
00:33:50People who are misfired that woman strong
00:33:53the drunkard who escaped I
00:33:56Cannot forgive Egon his negligence leaving that man unguarded while he set forth
00:34:01To satisfy his own bloodless appetites, but should we find the host there will be no further need for this secondary nourishment
00:34:09Our Queen will breathe her own life into her people and smite her enemies with a simple touch of her hand
00:34:20Find the one we seek the one whose blood does not respond to the fruit of mananun
00:34:26The one with the strength to resurrect the Queen of the sangroid
00:34:50Thought I told you to get a good night's sleep
00:34:53Has it begun to recede yet? No, it's still maintaining the same level. However
00:34:58At least we've arrested the hemostatic growth
00:35:02But it still remains
00:35:04Dangerously unstable. My thought is that it could go either way
00:35:09we've got to try to find a way to reverse it back to that original sample by finding a
00:35:17How's our girl this morning? Oh much the same
00:35:21Were you having any luck getting through to Capitol City? Well, the operator said not before this evening
00:35:25Where'd you get that? Oh, I found it in the woods. I was looking for Buster. Yeah
00:35:31How unusual
00:35:34Strange I'll wear some kind, you know, I can't identify this metal
00:35:38It's quite heavy for its size and yet it's too hard for lead
00:35:49I thought I'd give it to Jenny as a pendant
00:35:51Was this found near the scene of the struggle? Yes, right near there
00:35:58There's a fellow on the faculty at the university by the name of Kinski who has a hobby of identifying this kind of artifact
00:36:06I'll give him a ring
00:36:08Maybe he'll come down and have a look at it
00:36:36Cameron here. Yes, Anderson. How are you?
00:36:41Yes, Kinski did have this office but he left on some sort of research project about a month ago
00:36:47No, I'm sorry, you know how secretive he is about his work
00:36:51Well, did he leave a number where we could reach him?
00:36:55Yes, it is rather important. Why do you ask?
00:36:59He left us very specific instructions not to disturb him
00:37:03But I'm sure he wouldn't mind hearing from you. Just give me a minute to find it
00:37:07Four six two seven eight three, right? Thanks Karen. I'll be seeing you
00:37:14Old Kinski's up on one of his field trips, but I did get a number where he could be reached
00:37:19Yes, hello Kinski, this is Roy Anderson, how did you find me well, yes, of course, it's good to hear from you, but
00:37:30I'm sorry, I don't know who you are
00:37:33I'm Roy Anderson. I'm a professor at the University of New York
00:37:36I'm a professor at the University of New York, and I'm here to talk to you about a research project
00:37:41I'm here to talk to you about a research project
00:37:43I'm here to talk to you about a research project
00:37:45Well, yes, of course, it's good to hear from you, but I've only a minute
00:37:52An artifact
00:37:55Can you describe it?
00:38:00Yes, I'd like very much to look at it
00:38:03In fact, I'm not too far from you. I'll drive over this evening. Ah
00:38:08That's wonderful
00:38:10We'll be expecting you
00:38:15But no more you're speaking while a gun was slaughtering that dog for his perverse pleasures
00:38:22He managed to lose the key of melanin on that stupid blundering fool without that key
00:38:29We cannot continue to supply the blood from those who get it to us
00:38:32Nor can we determine the true host
00:38:36Dog is a dog
00:38:38Three-time my lord drew it on the sunrise the key of mana
00:38:58I seem to have misplaced it
00:39:00I seem to have misplaced it
00:39:01The processing chamber with you until you can remember it
00:39:04and if you cannot, then you will be feeling the hot breath of the Prince of the Underworld this night.
00:39:11No, Kreeton, I will get it back.
00:39:13No, my lord, our numbers are too few already.
00:39:16I will retrieve the key.
00:39:18Excellent, Sontag.
00:39:21The key for Aegon's life.
00:39:24But how do you propose to find one small key in the dense fields traveled by Aegon
00:39:29in his unquenchable thirst for blood, blood for his air-addictive needs?
00:39:33My lord, have mercy.
00:39:34I've already made arrangements with the man who possesses the key.
00:39:38Fortunately, he's an old colleague of mine here, and I should get it from him without any hesitation.
00:39:45Fine, Sontag.
00:39:47You can make up for the mistake made by this blundering fool.
00:39:52Even now, as we waste time on you,
00:39:54while we are hunted hundreds for the blood host only we can provide,
00:39:59this hand of Satan is punching at her throat.
00:40:02All of you, out!
00:40:04Find the blood host that we need!
00:40:19These bushes.
00:40:23What the hell?
00:40:32Hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:40:33Hey, hey, hey!
00:41:00We're lost in the waves
00:41:04Adrift in the night
00:41:07On a raft made of stars
00:41:11We're floating unseen
00:41:13As we search for our dreams
00:41:36We can't give up
00:41:37We can't give up
00:41:38We can't give up
00:41:39We can't give up
00:41:40We can't give up
00:41:41We can't give up
00:41:42We can't give up
00:41:43We can't give up
00:41:44We can't give up
00:41:45We can't give up
00:41:46We can't give up
00:41:47We can't give up
00:41:48We can't give up
00:41:49We can't give up
00:41:50We can't give up
00:41:51We can't give up
00:41:52We can't give up
00:41:53We can't give up
00:41:54We can't give up
00:41:55We can't give up
00:41:56We can't give up
00:41:57We can't give up
00:41:58We can't give up
00:41:59We can't give up
00:42:00We can't give up
00:42:01We can't give up
00:42:02We can't give up
00:42:03We can't give up
00:42:04We can't give up
00:42:05We can't give up
00:42:06We can't give up
00:42:08I've been thinking about Daly Whittaker. I think I'll go up there.
00:42:11Besides, I don't have that Cookbook.
00:42:13Look, I don't wanna sound melodramatic, but I'd prefer if you didn't go anywhere for a few days.
00:42:19At least until the Chief gets back.
00:42:22Yesterday you thought it was a good idea.
00:42:23I know, but...
00:42:25We interrupt our regular programming to bring you this important bulletin.
00:42:28A double kidnapping has taken place at the Cozy Rest Motel in Jefferson Valley.
00:42:32According to hotel management, a room occupied by newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Greenman,
00:42:37was discovered in disarray by cleaning woman Sally Redderman.
00:42:40Miss Redderman described the room as a bloody mess.
00:42:43The couple had disappeared, and evidence of foul play could be found from one end of the
00:42:46blood-strewn room to another.
00:42:48Blood covered all the bathroom fixtures.
00:42:50Judging by the clothing found in the room, the Greenmans were in their nightclothes when
00:42:53the crime took place.
00:42:54Deputy Sheriff Shorty Culp, in charge in the absence of Chief Spano, who was attending
00:42:58the Rogers trial in Capital City, responded to our WJEV news call with the following statement.
00:43:03I have no comment to make until the chief gets back to Capital City.
00:43:10For further bulletins, stay tuned to...
00:43:12Oh, Don, what now?
00:43:17Now you are going to bed.
00:43:28I couldn't agree with you more, miss, that's the way it goes every time.
00:43:42Oh, look who's here.
00:43:43Good evening, Dr. Kinski.
00:43:44How are you?
00:43:45Good evening, Jenny.
00:43:46You're looking more lovely than I remember you.
00:43:47Why, thank you.
00:43:48Daddy, how are you this evening?
00:43:49Tell me, did you have a nice time?
00:43:51But don't let me keep you too.
00:43:52Good night.
00:43:53Good night, dear.
00:43:55Now, getting back to this trinket, Roy, and that's all it really is.
00:43:56I'm sorry.
00:43:57I'm sorry.
00:43:58I'm sorry.
00:43:59I'm sorry.
00:44:00I'm sorry.
00:44:01I'm sorry.
00:44:02I'm sorry.
00:44:03I'm sorry.
00:44:04I'm sorry.
00:44:05I'm sorry.
00:44:06I'm sorry.
00:44:07I'm sorry.
00:44:08I'm sorry.
00:44:09I'm sorry.
00:44:10I'm sorry.
00:44:11I'm sorry.
00:44:12I'm sorry.
00:44:13I'm sorry.
00:44:14I'm sorry.
00:44:15I'm sorry.
00:44:16I'm sorry.
00:44:17I'm sorry.
00:44:18I'm sorry.
00:44:19I'm sorry.
00:44:20I'm sorry.
00:44:21I'm sorry.
00:44:22I'm sorry.
00:44:23I'm sorry.
00:44:24I'm sorry.
00:44:25I'm sorry.
00:44:26I'm so sorry.
00:44:27Good night.
00:44:28Good night, dear.
00:44:29Good night.
00:44:30Good night, dear.
00:44:31Good night.
00:44:32Good night.
00:44:33Good night.
00:44:34Good night.
00:44:35Good night.
00:44:36I'll take it back with me and have the metal analyzed since you're so interested.
00:44:37Sorry I can't tell you this.
00:44:38Some rare relic from the Mayan that I'm afraid is just a cheap copy from some Penny Arcade.
00:44:48Good night, Kenski.
00:44:49Good night, Kenski, and be sure to call me if you learn anything.
00:45:49Good night, Kenski, and be sure to call me if you learn anything.
00:45:52Good night, Kenski, and be sure to call me if you learn anything.
00:46:16Dr. Kenski.
00:46:17I'm sorry I startled you.
00:46:20You're all out of breath.
00:46:22What are you doing out here?
00:46:24I thought you were going to bed.
00:46:26I couldn't sleep. I met an animal frightening me.
00:46:29I'll just hurry on home.
00:46:31Your father would be very worried.
00:46:49Was that the drifter?
00:46:58He has spun his last tale.
00:47:01Were you successful?
00:47:04Excellent. Excellent.
00:47:07Now come, let us prepare for the repast.
00:47:10The drifter has brought a fresh supply of blood,
00:47:13and Aegon said it is bountiful.
00:47:19Let's go.
00:47:50How does it feel to be a radio star?
00:47:53It's doing my job.
00:47:55Part of a deputy's work is protecting other people.
00:47:58It seems like everybody in Jefferson County heard me on the radio.
00:48:02Have you got any leads on those honeymooners?
00:48:05Yeah, I'm asking a few questions, putting the pieces together, you might say.
00:48:09I'll have a full report for George when he gets back.
00:48:12Between the two of us, we'll close the case in a couple of days.
00:48:16Oh, yeah? Well, what did you find out?
00:48:20Well, we know who they were, we have their pictures,
00:48:23and I know that they just got married.
00:48:26Yeah? So?
00:48:28Well, we're taking it from there.
00:48:30You don't know any more now than you did this morning.
00:48:33What do you mean? I know things I can't reveal in a bar.
00:48:37Give him another drink and he'll tell all.
00:48:40It's my theory that it was a lover's quarrel.
00:48:43He made some smart remark and she beat his head in.
00:48:47That's some theory, Shorty. Here, have another drink.
00:48:51Say, did you ever find anything about that blood sample they took from Jim?
00:48:54I called Anderson, but he wouldn't tell me anything over the telephone.
00:48:57He thinks I'm some kind of moron or something.
00:49:00It's the telephone. I'll get that.
00:49:08Hello, police annex.
00:49:10Deputy Culp at the bar. Oh, hello, George.
00:49:14Listen, you dummy, I'm done for my last time.
00:49:17I've been trying to get a hold of you all day.
00:49:19I call all over town. Why ain't you in the office?
00:49:22Never mind, I don't want to hear your excuses.
00:49:25What's going on up there?
00:49:27I got away for three days, the police turned into a madhouse.
00:49:30Give him hell, Shorty.
00:49:32I can't get through tonight. I got a motel room here.
00:49:35I'll try to get through tomorrow.
00:49:37And you better be sober when I arrive.
00:50:38Chief, good to hear from you. Where are you?
00:50:42Thank heavens.
00:50:45I'm here.
00:50:47I'm here, Chief.
00:50:49I'm here, Chief.
00:50:51I'm here.
00:50:53I'm here.
00:50:55I'm here.
00:50:57I'm here, Chief.
00:50:59I'm here.
00:51:02I'm here, Chief.
00:51:04I'm here, Chief.
00:51:06Madhouse is hardly the word for it.
00:51:09Can you come up here right away?
00:51:12Wonderful. I'll be waiting.
00:51:17Glad you're here, Chief.
00:51:19Come on in. Jenny's got the coffee on.
00:51:22Welcome back, Chief.
00:51:24Hi, Jenny. How you been?
00:51:27Where's Buster?
00:51:35Is there something wrong?
00:51:37Come sit down, Chief.
00:51:39I'll fill you in from the beginning.
00:51:42Last Monday,
00:51:44old Jim Carrey dropped dead.
00:51:59He's dead.
00:52:01He's dead.
00:52:03He's dead.
00:52:05He's dead.
00:52:07He's dead.
00:52:09He's dead.
00:52:11He's dead.
00:52:13He's dead.
00:52:15He's dead.
00:52:17He's dead.
00:52:19He's dead.
00:52:21He's dead.
00:52:23He's dead.
00:52:25He's dead.
00:52:28You were lucky to arrest her.
00:52:31We worked half the night to stop it.
00:52:33But we still don't know the cause.
00:52:35We can't be sure it won't act up again.
00:52:38It's still very unstable.
00:52:41I'm a little sorry I came back.
00:52:43I'm not a sting with texts.
00:52:46You know, Roy,
00:52:48all this funny business started with the Whitakers.
00:52:51Maybe I should start my investigation up there.
00:52:54I only hope she imagined that scream she heard.
00:52:58I'll go up there in the morning and get to the bottom of this.
00:53:17Can I help you, sir?
00:53:19Yes. Yes, I'm looking for the Whitakers.
00:53:22Sorry, you're a few weeks too late.
00:53:24They've gone to California on an extended vacation.
00:53:27They were good enough to lease this place to me while they were away.
00:53:31Oh, I beg your pardon.
00:53:33My name is Woodrow Kinsky.
00:53:35We're doing research here on a university grant.
00:53:39Yes, I've heard Professor Anderson speak of you.
00:53:42But he didn't mention that you were here.
00:53:45Oh, well, I only told the university people
00:53:49I like to work in complete privacy.
00:53:52Just what kind of work is it that you do?
00:53:55Well, at present,
00:53:58we're investigating the causal factors involved
00:54:02in the atomic breakdown of nonferrous metal alloys
00:54:06when subjected to excessive bombardment
00:54:09from solar waves in the omega grouping.
00:54:12Oh, I think I understand.
00:54:15Oh, I think I understand.
00:54:18Well, anyway, I'm sorry to interfere with your work.
00:54:21It's just that I was a little concerned about the Whitakers,
00:54:24and I just wanted a little look around.
00:54:26If it'll make you feel better, you're welcome to come inside.
00:54:30That won't be necessary. I'll be on my way.
00:54:33Sorry to bother you.
00:54:35Oh, one thing.
00:54:37When will the Whitakers be back?
00:54:39Well, they left no definite date,
00:54:41but I expect to hear from them shortly.
00:54:46I think you hit on something.
00:54:49I wish I'd thought of it before.
00:54:52By accident, there was some green dye on this last slide
00:54:57that mixed with the blood.
00:55:00When I looked at it, there it was, big as life.
00:55:04But what is it?
00:55:06Have a look.
00:55:09You reversed it.
00:55:11A simple mixture of iodine and household ammonia.
00:55:23Yes, Gee.
00:55:27That's certainly very odd.
00:55:29He was here just the other night, and he never met.
00:55:32Oh, I see.
00:55:34Well, I knew he was working on something or other.
00:55:39Strange he didn't tell me.
00:55:41Did you notice anything else?
00:55:48Okay, thanks for calling.
00:55:51Kinski's doing his experiments at the Whitakers.
00:55:54They've evidently leased him the place
00:55:56and gone off to California on a vacation or something.
00:56:00Come on.
00:56:15Look, I want to speak to Dr. Kinski.
00:56:21There is no Kinski here.
00:56:24Is this 462783?
00:56:29Give me that, you...
00:56:35Hello, Roy. How are you?
00:56:37I hope you weren't alarmed.
00:56:39My students were having some fun.
00:56:42What's on your mind?
00:56:45Yes, I've been working at the Whitakers.
00:56:48No, I didn't mention it to you.
00:56:51Truthfully, I'd just as soon know
00:56:53and knew the nature of what we're doing here.
00:56:56No, Roy, nothing so glamorous,
00:56:59but we have been working with atomic bombardment,
00:57:02and you know how that sounds to lots of people.
00:57:06So you can see we really do want to work in privacy.
00:57:10That's fine, Kinski.
00:57:12Good luck with your work.
00:57:14Is it going well, I hope?
00:57:17Well, what did he say?
00:57:20He said his work goes well.
00:57:36No, Mr. Walsh.
00:57:38Still no word on your daughter.
00:57:40But we do have an APB out
00:57:42to all law enforcement agencies in the state.
00:57:45You tell me yourself she had an argument with her mother
00:57:48and ran off.
00:57:50She's probably pounding somewhere
00:57:52trying to work up the courage to call you.
00:57:56The best thing you can do is wait for her call
00:57:59and leave the rest to us.
01:00:12There's no doubt about it, Roy, you did it.
01:00:15I suggest we get started on finding the agent
01:00:18which caused this.
01:00:20All right, let's get right at it.
01:00:23Have you forgotten?
01:00:25You overdid it with Jenny this afternoon.
01:00:28That's right, I forgot.
01:00:31Don, Jenny needs you.
01:00:33I know the work here is very interesting.
01:00:35Right, I know I've been neglecting her lately.
01:00:39Good, let's call it a day.
01:00:43Now don't forget, one-six of the ammonia solution and a little...
01:00:46You got him free, he's mine this afternoon.
01:00:49Hey, you're chipper today.
01:00:51Where are you two off to?
01:00:53Oh, a little drive and then some romance to catch up on.
01:01:00Hey, listen, did you get that artifact back from Kinski?
01:01:03Did you remember?
01:01:05Oh, my goodness.
01:01:07I really am the absent-minded professor, you know.
01:01:09I saw Kinski just the other day and I forgot to ask him.
01:01:12I'll call him.
01:01:14Meanwhile, you two go off and have fun, huh?
01:01:17See you later.
01:01:38Yeah, yeah, I know all about it.
01:01:41Give me Professor Kinski.
01:01:55Come on, let's go.
01:01:57Come on, let's go.
01:01:59Come on, let's go.
01:02:01Come on, let's go.
01:02:03Come on, let's go.
01:02:09Ah, Kinski.
01:02:11I was just calling you.
01:02:13Please come in.
01:02:15Yes, I got the usual double-talk from one of your students
01:02:19before he hung up on me.
01:02:21Were you calling about the artifact? That's why I'm here.
01:02:24Good. Tell me what you learned about it.
01:02:26It's as I suspected.
01:02:28Just another cheap trinket from some penny arcade.
01:02:31Oh, well, perhaps it'll make a nice decorative pendant for Jenny.
01:02:35Oh, I'm sorry I threw it away.
01:02:37I didn't know you wanted it.
01:02:39Oh, that's a shame, but no loss.
01:02:41So, how is your work going?
01:02:43Well, we've had a few unscheduled interruptions,
01:02:46but we can overcome that.
01:02:50Could I fix you a drink?
01:02:52What would you like?
01:02:54I'll have a Bloody Mary.
01:03:02Tell me of your work, Roy. What have you been up to?
01:03:05Oh, a little of this and that.
01:03:08Currently, I have a young man named Don Tucker who's been helping me.
01:03:14He's doing a paper on abnormal blood diseases.
01:03:18Oh, are you working at the university?
01:03:20Oh, no, in my own lab downstairs.
01:03:23Oh, I'd like very much to see it.
01:03:25Well, there really isn't very much to see.
01:03:28Your health?
01:03:35I'd still like very much to see that laboratory.
01:03:38Oh, very well. This way.
01:03:42Excuse me. I'll get that.
01:03:44You go ahead, Don.
01:04:01Ah, Cameron, how are you?
01:04:03I have that information for you about registration.
01:04:58Good. I'll see you on the 14th.
01:05:29By the way, Roy, the strangest thing happened the day I gave you Kinsky's telephone number.
01:05:34About an hour after you called, he called to tell me he couldn't work properly where he was
01:05:39and that he was moving his research team out to some lab in Pennsylvania.
01:05:44I think he was a little angry when I told him I'd given you his number.
01:05:48Pennsylvania? That's impossible.
01:05:52Obviously it is. I received a postcard from him this morning.
01:05:56Oh, that's very strange.
01:05:58Oh, I'm glad you told me.
01:06:00I'll tell you later.
01:06:02See you.
01:06:16Oh, and be careful of that.
01:06:18Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch your things.
01:06:21Uh, we spent many hours developing it.
01:06:24We spent many hours developing it.
01:06:26Uh, please put it back where you got it.
01:06:28Well, what is it?
01:06:29Well, among other things, it reverses the growth of blood cells.
01:06:32Oh, how clumsy of me. I'm terribly sorry.
01:06:35No concern. There's plenty more.
01:06:38Oh, how fortunate. For you.
01:06:41I was just talking with Cameron. He told me a very interesting story.
01:06:45Oh, Cameron. I just sent him a postcard from Pennsylvania.
01:06:49Were you in Pennsylvania?
01:06:51I was just for a day. I delivered a lecture down there.
01:06:54What was this interesting story you were going to tell me?
01:06:58Oh, it really wasn't important.
01:07:03Don, you sure you don't mind going?
01:07:05Of course not. Besides, I haven't been to Capital City in months.
01:07:08Now, when you get to the clinic, be sure to give this sample to Dr. Abbott.
01:07:11He's expecting you.
01:07:12Right. I'll call you this evening.
01:07:15Uh, Jenny's talking me into taking her to the movies this afternoon.
01:07:19We should be back before six.
01:07:21Okay, I'll phone you at six on the dot.
01:07:24Now drive carefully.
01:07:35Ah, the fruit.
01:07:38I'm afraid my professor friend has learned too much.
01:07:42He's discovered an effective chemical reagent for the fruit.
01:07:46He must be eliminated along with his lab and all his associates.
01:07:51That can easily be arranged.
01:07:58What time did Don say call?
01:08:00Six o'clock.
01:08:02I told you there was no reason for us to leave before the end of the film.
01:08:05Oh, Daddy, no, the Butler did.
01:08:08Well, at least we'll have a quiet evening at home.
01:09:05Well, we finally have the pleasure of the famous Professor Anderson.
01:09:10Kensky, what's going on here? What are you doing to Jane?
01:09:16He is not Kensky. He is Sontag, a druid of the Sangroids who lived among you until our time was at hand.
01:09:23Tonight strikes the hour for the Feast of Meninoc, the first of May.
01:09:27Unless your daughter responds favorably to the cup, we will fail to provide a blood host for our queen, and the Prince of the Underworld may claim his right to take her.
01:09:41Something terrible has happened to Ryan Jenny. They disappeared and the house looks like a cyclone hit it.
01:09:47When did you see them last?
01:09:48This morning, before I left to Capital City. They disappeared, though. We've got to find them.
01:09:55Let's go!
01:09:56Go where?
01:09:58I found this at the house. Does it mean anything to you?
01:10:01Let's get the car.
01:10:02Your daughter has drunk deeply of the Feast of Meninoc. I believe you have seen how it works on normal blood cells, driving their hemostatic growth up to 1,000 times their normal growth rate.
01:10:18The secret lies in the key, which has been passed on through the millennium from druid to druid.
01:10:24The only one who would not respond to its magic shall be the host.
01:10:28I'll be the host.
01:10:31Test the girl.
01:10:32Test the girl.
01:10:53I wish Shorty was here, but he's so bloody drunk I wouldn't trust him with a gun.
01:10:59Stop right here!
01:11:03The Lord Cretan! She is! She is!
01:11:09The blood host! We have been spared in the eleventh hour! Prepare for the feast!
01:11:17For tonight I will take my bride and the strain of our race will continue.
01:11:22And the world will be to yours.
01:11:25For tonight I will take my bride and the strain of our race will continue.
01:11:30And the world will be to your enemies, for you shall smite them!
01:11:55The Lord Cretan!
01:12:25Astaroth, princess of Amity, I call to you to accept the sacrifice of this child which I offer, that our queen may once again walk among us.
01:12:42Tonight I will take my bride and the strain of our race will continue.
01:12:47Tonight, my darling, your three hundred years' sleep will be at an end.
01:12:51You will awaken to find your fateful servant kneeling at your feet and I, Cretan, await your pleasure.
01:13:01And woe to your enemies, woe to those who dare defy the queen.
01:13:08The touch of her hand will smite all who dare defy us.
01:13:15The terror of the name it will cover the world like the shroud of darkness which holds cover our donder.
01:13:21Prepare for the drawing of the blood.
01:13:28First the initial drawing of the blood to revive the queen and then the knife will open this girl that our queen may bathe in her blood.
01:13:45Drink deeply unhurried and return to us.
01:13:49Drink deeply, Unholy, and return to us.
01:14:14Hail, Horry! Hail, Horry! Hail, Horry! Hail, Horry!
01:14:29Hail, Horry!
01:14:44Down with the reagents!
01:15:14Hail, Horry!
01:15:21Hail, Horry!
01:15:25Hail, Horry!
01:15:45Hail, Horry!
01:15:52Hail, Horry!
01:15:58Hail, Horry!
01:16:00Another week and you'll be good as new.
01:16:10And in two weeks, you'll be Mrs. Don Tucker.
01:16:14I'm so glad this nightmare's over.
01:16:20Come quickly!
01:16:22You won't believe what's happening!