Tour De Hunza And Nagar

  • 7 years ago
Hunza is located in the extreme north of Pakistan in Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas), fortified by the gaint mountain ranges of Karakoram, Himalayas, Hindu-kush and Pamirs through the Wakhan Corridor and further north neighbored by the heavenly mountains of Tianshan and Kunlunsun and historic city of Kashgar, the legendary land of Hunza is most majesticlly placed on the roof of the world. It falls on a junction of old silk Route, now replaced by the KKH, Karakoram Highway, « the 8th wonder of the world », snaking into the people’s Republic of China through the Khunjerab Pass 4733M, between the Oxus and Indus. It is no doubt the SHANGRI LA, Heaven on earth.
Hunza had been an indpendent state till 1974, ruled by the king, "tham". Known for its far crag mountains, glaciers, men made oasis and fairy lands and popular for bravery, hardwork, longevity, hospitality and distinct cultural heritage, the people of Hunza have kept their autnomy for centuries and championed the ideals of freedom, equality and peace in the region. Altit Fort 900 years old that is located on the top of ruby marble rock cliff. The architure is clear indication of the Tibetan influence. This fort was built by the craftmen from Baltistan when the ruler of Hunza was married with princess of Baltistan who bought with her many Balti craftmen as part of her dowry to constuct this fort. Ganish Fort is also worth to see, that has been restored too recently. In Gulmit Village there is local museum in local traditional house with unique collection of Hunza histroy, maps, utensils, musical instruments, a stuffed snow leopard, gems etc on display.
The view points for the landscape are the Duikar-Altit 3000M, the highiest point of the valley that gives magestic view of mountians and valleys. The Borith Lake,nice place to have the view of the mountains, walking over the Gulkin Glacier and from Borit Lake to Passu is unforgettable experience. The Shimshal, Chupursan and Misgar are the remotest valleys of the Hunza and have link roads to Karakoram Highway.

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