Study finds 'bromances' are better than having a girlfriend

  • 7 years ago
A study published in the Mens and Masculinities journal found 'bromances,' or close heterosexual friendships between men, can be more satisfying than romantic relationships between heterosexual men and women. The researchers attribute the rise in popularity of bromances to a shift in attitudes regarding acceptable male bonding. Real life bromances in the media, like Obama-Biden, also help encourage these relationships. In the study, 30 straight male college-students reported having a 'bromantic' friend and even reported sharing the same bed and cuddling with this friend at some point. They also expressed feeling less judged by their bros as compared to their girlfriends. “Tim knows I love listening to Taylor Swift and Beyonce, but I keep that quiet [around my girlfriend] because she would judge me. I feel like I have to be more manly around her.”