• 8年前
Here Im with a video regarding Kuina and her Devil Fruit!\r
I believe, she is currently the No. 3 in Revolutionary army, is a swordswoman, a Devil Fruit user and is trained under Dracule Mihawk!\r
I believe she has been converted into a man and we have already seen her.\r
The crow guy who helped Sabo was ually her! She has eaten Bird-Bird Fruit Model: Crow!\r
Check out the video for full detail. :D\r
Check My Other Videos!!\r
Kaidos Weakness & Secret of SMILE \r
Luffys Gear 4th New Form Reboundman \r
Check My Whole Cake Island Theory\r
Vinsmokes Powers Revealed\r
Support the guy who colors One Piece Manga\r
Thanks for watching! Comments your thoughts down below.\r
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